One thing I caught in the doc was that outside of the influence mj's parents had on him, was the influence strong, older black men had on him. Mike mentioned how he liked having that mature voice in his life and I think it helped him a lot. Mike never moved goofy. Always seemed cool, calm, collected and measured. I think the role of older, black men helped shaped him to be like that.
This is from an article in 1999:
"But Jordan has always moved most comfortably in the company of men, specifically among his small inner circle. This is a preference, like the habit of sticking out his tongue, that he inherited from his father.
They are mostly older, mostly rural Southerners, closer in spirit to past generations than to the hip-hop kids rising up in the league. Some, like security guard
Gus Lett, 61, and Nike rep
Howard White, 45, have played the role of father figure, especially since James's death. ""
Michael has the Southern reverence for elders,'' says Whitfield, who is five years older than Jordan. "
Mj's Court
You also had his main man ahmad constantly around him. Then you had quinn buckner popping up out of nowhere every championship in mj's hotel room. I think a lot of these sensitive players today lack any type of older male guidance and that's why they move like sensitive, attention starved kids.