It looks like the first hour of the game is going to be boring unless they really do pull off that epic feeling that Naughty Dog did with the opening for The Last of Us.
"And I, for one, couldn't be happier. Last year Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes gave us a look at how an open-world Metal Gear Solid would work, and so the moment to moment feel of infiltration, scouting and action shouldn't come as a surprise to fans, but its opening hour will. Without going into spoilers, I can say that it's no more interactive than the prologue to The Last of Us, only - in true Kojima form - it's about four times longer than Naughty Dog's harrowing opening.
Limiting the player to camera control and sluggish character movement for such a long time sounds like it would be boring - and indeed it may upon replaying - but it's a testament to Kojima's abilities as a pseudo-filmmaker that this peculiar prologue is never, ever dull."
I skimmed over the article. I didn't really see any spoilers.
I'm a little worried about the game playing like a bunch of individual levels spread out in over an open world vs the way Skyrim and the witcher 3 handles open world where everything is connected. I'm not sure If I'm explaining it right.
The game is still going to be epic though so you better watch what you say about my GOAT game series.