[Official] MGSV: The Phantom Pain Thread: GOTY Edition.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Yeah, on the Main Missions I go in none lethal as well.

I only started killing cats on Side Ops because sometimes I just feel like slitting a throat or bussin' my guns

I'll analyze some of them out there and see that they aren't shyt, interrogate the bums, after they give me some intel, and just kill them. There's so many guns in this game, it's really crazy that in this day and age to see a game with this much content in it.

I gotta give props for how much is in this game on Day 1, I know a lot probably picked this up and were straight up overwhelmed by it

Word. That's pretty much how I play now too, lethal on side ops/free roam, non-lethal during main missions. I have load outs prepared for main mission/non-lethal, side-ops/kill everybody and pure carnage load outs for fukk everybody/destroy shyt mode. There's so many ill weapons in the game, it's a shame to not at least try a few of them out and ultimately, there's more kill mode weapons than sleep/stun ones.:yeshrug:



All Star
Jan 8, 2015
I honestly don't get why people hate on the ending...

It's really not that bad and makes perfect sense in relation to the events in MG1 and what Big Boss told Solid at the end of MGS4...

DO NOT read if you haven't unlocked the final cutscene and the truth tapes...

Boss said at the end of MGS4 "under certain conditions someone can be made to play a specific role...act like someone else"...He later mentioned the paramedic...

The medic was his best soldier, dude was no scrub, he was very skilled and idolized Big Boss...He sacrificed himself to save Big Boss on the chopper...Ocelot made this very clear on the truth tapes...

Venom Snake (the medic) was created to conceal Big Boss identity so he can fulfill The Bosses (MGS3) dying wish in secrecy...Big Boss was a wanted man in a hospital bed, Zero was dying and on the run...They used the medic to reduce the heat on them by putting the worlds attention all on the phantom...

Big Boss was playing both sides in MG1...As the commander of FOXHOUND he gave Solid the mission in MG1 but Big Boss was really working with Venom Snake and protecting Outer Heaven...All Big Boss cared about was The Bosses dream and their creation Outer Heaven...He informed Venom Snake of Solid's impending arrival to Outer Heaven to further complicate things for Solid..In the end cinematic on the tapes flip side it reads "Operation Intrude N313" which is what Solids Outer Heaven infiltration op was named in MG1...Boss used Solid for the op because he was inexperienced and he felt that his efforts would delay further action by the west giving Venom Snake enough time to finish the Metal Gear project...He lead Solid into multiple traps and even told him to abort the mission...

When Venom Snake walks away in the cinematic after smashing the mirror you can see the Outer Heaven emblem in the background and hear guns firing as if a war is going on...That is Solids arrival and he is about to meet Venom Snake aka the medic aka the phantom Big Boss...

I know that but what I dont understand is how a random medic is so skilled that he can be Big Boss

It explains everything perfectly but didn't Kojima say this game was meant to explain the events of Naked Snake between MGS5 and MG? How he became "evil"


Apr 18, 2013
Yeah, on the Main Missions I go in none lethal as well.

I only started killing cats on Side Ops because sometimes I just feel like slitting a throat or bussin' my guns

I'll analyze some of them out there and see that they aren't shyt, interrogate the bums, after they give me some intel, and just kill them. There's so many guns in this game, it's really crazy that in this day and age to see a game with this much content in it.

I gotta give props for how much is in this game on Day 1, I know a lot probably picked this up and were straight up overwhelmed by it
I beat part one of the game/ 31 episodes and am at 30% complete :wow:

Brief Keef

May 6, 2012
Word. That's pretty much how I play now too, lethal on side ops/free roam, non-lethal during main missions. I have load outs prepared for main mission/non-lethal, side-ops/kill everybody and pure carnage load outs for fukk everybody/destroy shyt mode. There's so many ill weapons in the game, it's a shame to not at least try a few of them out and ultimately, there's more kill mode weapons than sleep/stun ones.:yeshrug:

crazy how i just realized in side ops u can go guns blazing in story mode it kinda pissed me off that everything had to be stealth but i get S's and A's tho ima gonna show u guys a clip how i beat the skulls i doubt many ppl did it how i did but it was pretty funny

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
crazy how i just realized in side ops u can go guns blazing in story mode it kinda pissed me off that everything had to be stealth but i get S's and A's tho ima gonna show u guys a clip how i beat the skulls i doubt many ppl did it how i did but it was pretty funny
I blasted the skulls in mission 6 easily. Laid them all down like nap time


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I expect more from you :ufdup:

:russ: If I went back and replayed the missions, I'm sure I could S rank em. But on first time goes, hell nah. Sometimes it takes me forever in a day to finish just one mission, just cuz how much I take my time with them. THen also, you don't even know the lil side objectives that you need to do to get them extra bonus points.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
I know that but what I dont understand is how a random medic is so skilled that he can be Big Boss

It explains everything perfectly but didn't Kojima say this game was meant to explain the events of Naked Snake between MGS5 and MG? How he became "evil"
Breh listen to the truth tapes specifically Ocelot and Big Boss conversation...

Ocelot tells you Ahab is not some random surgeon, dude was Big Boss best and most trusted soldier in the MSF guerrilla unit...That's why he was even on Big Boss chopper in GZ...

The way I see it Ahab is Kobe...Big Boss is Jordan...Kojima just did a really shytty job explaining that in the previous games...
Apr 11, 2014
Breh listen to the truth tapes specifically Ocelot and Big Boss conversation...

Ocelot tells you Ahab is not some random surgeon, dude was Big Boss best and most trusted soldier in the MSF guerrilla unit...That's why he was even on Big Boss chopper in GZ...

The way I see it Ahab is Kobe...Big Boss is Jordan...Kojima just did a really shytty job explaining that in the previous games...
Problem is Ahab is a complete stranger, nobody knows who he is. There is hardly any development of Venom being Venom, we don't know how he was as Venom even during this game, he's just a random medic. Look at MGS2 which they did something similar, you thought you were gonna play as Snake nope you play as this kid named Raiden, plenty of character development there with the codec calls with his girlfriend reminiscing.

You finish MGS5, you were not actually Big Boss, then who the fukk is this guy? Nah, the real Big Boss was doing something I wish I did in this game which is building Outer Heaven. He probably met Sniper Wolf, and Grey Fox along the way