Now that I had time to think about it..... fukk it.
Yes do DOOM and let him give BP that work
Now before y’all get at me..... brothers this can be a good thing if they allow this to be their “Empire Strikes Back” or “Temple of Doom”
Plus early some of y’all complained that “Bu Bu Bu Bu but the villains are weak” also when there are heros out there that are OP and never really catch an L like Superman y’all call them “lame and boring”
BP losing to Doom don’t diminish him also it can help propel Doom to being a BIGGER threat down the line.
Dr. Doom needs to destroy Wakanda
The 3 one can be them repairing it as he deals with other threats as Doom goes on to terrorize other hero’s in their movies.
The next Event movie Doom is the big bad and BP can get his payback then