I don’t know why y’all still on T’Challa.
I could see if the first Black Panther didn’t have a strong supporting cast. But that’s what made the first one great
Coogler had to literally write a brand new movie after Boseman died. I commend him on the strength of that alone. And they were friends. This was a close knit cast, and all of them had to come together and make a movie that not only topped the first one, but honoring Boseman. They were probably mourning in the beginning in set.
So people that keep talking recasting, all you’re doing is disrespecting the time and work they put into making this, in the middle of a pandemic while mourning their friend.
The mantle isn’t static. Other people can hold the mantle. Wakanda is getting their own Disney+ show and hopefully, this movie will entrench them within the MCU for decades to come.
You got a new Iron Man who’s a sista. Y’all keep worrying about what you don’t have and not taking the time to appreciate what you do. Spider-man not only got a trilogy, but now they’re in early talks with doing a 4th.
I just want a trilogy at least. We need this movie to do huge numbers to Feige can fast track another one. Even if you don’t want to see it, buy a ticket and give it to someone who does
And Shuri was my favorite character in the first movie followed by Killmonger so

if you don’t want her to hold the mantle.