Exactly. It wasn't about skin color. It was about Logan finding a new family, and fukking it up so completely the father figure was willing to blow his ducking head off. Too bad he ran outta bullets tho.
He knew he should have left that house. And even though Chuck was speaking truth, staying there only added more bodies to the list.
It was great, especially when you understand Charles perspective and Logan's perspective.
Charles has to be physically drugged and kept in complete isolation because he's tantamount to a psionic weapon of mass destruction. His mind is already fluttering in and out so the moments where's lucid, he's been drugged. Of course he'd connect with Laura and want her experience life outside of being treated like a weapon. Of course he'd want to have an opportunity to be a hero, help people, and connect with people on an emotional level. That's what Charles has always done.
Logan already feels horribly guilty about what he's forced to do to keep the Professor safe. You know he thought it was a bad idea but you could easily understand how Charles might be able to guilt him into it.