[OFFICIAL]Knack 2: Revealed at PSX 2016


May 11, 2012
Don't know why so many people are surprised about this, the first game sold really well.

Hopefully they fixed all its problems tho.


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz

The original Knack received some mixed reviews . It was colorful and worked well enough as a showcase for what PS4 was capable of, but it ultimately felt more like a tech demo than a fully fleshed-out game.

Knack 2 is trying to fix that problem. The game openly acknowledges the shortcomings of its predecessor (one character says to Knack, “it's hard to believe you saved the world. All you know are three punches and a kick”) and has actually added a pretty robust moveset for combat and platforming.

Knack does still have the aforementioned punches and kick, but he's also learned a few new tricks. He can switch between a small version and large version of himself at any point (which comes in handy for platforming sections) and he has a shield for deflecting incoming projectiles or generally blocking damage. His other abilities include a dash, body slam, multi-punch, jump kick, and a few other basic combat moves.

What makes the system more robust is a skill tree for upgrading any individual move or ability. Throughout Knack's levels, you'll collect Relic Energy, and you can spend that to increase power, range, or several other variables depending on your play style. You can also pick up additional, more advanced moves for Knack, like the ability to stun enemies from a distance or pull them closer to you from afar, Scorpion-style.

Moves are also augmented when used in tandem with your co-op partner. If you use the multi punch while facing your partner, for example, it becomes a machine gun move, sending bits of your partner Knack flying toward enemies. Landing a body slam on top of your partner will cause them to detonate and hit enemies within an area of effect. These combinations are immensely satisfying and help to mix up fighting wave after wave of enemies.

These moves also help in the platforming sections, which often involve switching back and forth between large and small Knack to get by, and also offer several hidden areas, where you can find extra Relic Energy or parts to build devices to earn new abilities or augments. The linear paths from the first game are now reserved for Easy difficulty, while the Normal and Hard paths are a bit more complicated. You'll actually pass blocked off sections where the Easy path would be as you play through on higher difficulties, which is a smart way to literally divide the game into a version for younger or less experienced players versus one for people looking for a challenge.

Knack 2 isn't necessarily going to reinvent the platformer, but it's definitely trying to fix a lot of the problems that were present in the first game, and it's clear that Sony's Japan Studio has paid attention to player feedback. The demo we played showcased some early sections of the game, but more diverse environments like an ice area were shown in the announcement trailer, which may also help to mix things up when the game launches in the second half of 2017.

Stay tuned to IGN for more from PSX, and find everything so far on our 2016 PlayStation Experience hub .

rise young phoenix, rise. we gon show all the haters. Most improved franchise of the gen, Come back mascot of the year :wow:


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
The story of this year's PlayStation Experience was cemented before the show even began. During yesterday morning's PlayStation Showcase, Naughty Dog announced not one but two games: a new side-story in the Uncharted universe called The Lost Legacy, which drew a roar of applause from the people who viewed it live within Anaheim's convention center, but this excitement was quickly topped by the surprise announcement few people saw coming: The Last of Us Part II.

Naughty Dog opened and closed the show with thunderous news, but a couple of smaller reveals also received some buzz. Along with the surprising returns of Windjammers, PaRappa the Rapper, and Wipeout, Sony announced Knack would be returning with a direct sequel. With a low Metacritic rating of 54, the original Knack didn't light up the PlayStation 4, and was destined to be another promising intellectual property that was one and done.

I'm glad the series is getting another shot. I am one of the few critics ( Matt Helgeson included ) who enjoyed Knack for what it was. Sure, it became a little repetitive and long in the tooth, but the combat was fun, and the concept of growing and shrinking for different gameplay sequences worked well. There was a little bit of magic to Knack, but something was also missing.

I saw what that "something" was during my hands-on session with Knack 2 yesterday. Within just a few minutes of play, Knack 2 establishes itself as a more fully-featured game, feeling a little bit like a linear Jak & Daxter experience with strong cooperative play. In the first stage I played, which showcases a high level of verticality, platforming is the primary focus, sending Knack across moving platforms and open chasms that push the player to approach them in different ways. One jumping exercise may simply ask you to time your jump to land on a moving platform, whereas the next challenge may require a double jump and spinning glide (a la Jak & Daxter) to land safely on a ledge before a door closes and blocks your passage

The platforming is nicely varied and paced in this stage. Knack's ability to transform into an average-sized or smaller being is also used for a variety of platforming and navigation puzzles in this area. Some doors don't open fully, which requires quick thinking on the player's part to hit the R1 button quickly enough to shrink down to squeeze under the small gap. Little Knack is also used for a variety of secrets, such as jumping through small windows or scurrying across tiny ledges to reach new areas.

Combat sequences are also dispersed throughout this stage. Knack has a wider selection of combat techniques at his disposal, including charge attacks, aerial slams, and a shield that is primarily used for defense, but the player can also try to time their block to initiate a counter move that can send an arrow hurling back at their attacker. When a second player jumps into the game for couch co-op, a new combat mechanic emerges, and it's quite clever. Rather than directly attacking enemies, the two players (who take the form of different-colored Knacks with the same set of abilities this time around) will find benefit in attacking each other. Yes, it may sound like an act of griefing, but if one Knack punches the other, the result is a spray of bullets rocketing from his back. If that player holds down the punch button to initiate a series of rapid punches, stationary Knack almost turns into a gatling gun, spraying a steady stream of bullets at anyone behind him. Every attack produces a different co-op benefit. A ground slam makes the other Knack explode, producing a grenade-like effect. A charged-up punch, can send the other Knack flying like a corkscrew forward.

The battles I engaged in were just as challenging as they were in the original Knack, but health is no longer a finite thing; Knack now regenerates health, and, if another player is playing, will respawn after a few seconds. Checkpoints are also placed everywhere throughout levels to limit the amount of progress that needs to be retread. Players can also power up Knack further using upgrade points to up his attack speed, power, and gain new powers on a fairly extensive skill tree.

The original Knack focused mostly on combat, but Knack 2 seems to emphasize exploration a bit more. I didn't get a strong sense of the story that will unfold in this sequel, but the gameplay is vastly improved, and if the remainder of the game showcases the level of variety I saw in two demo levels, Knack 2 could be a nice surprise for PlayStation 4 in 2017.



The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
The original Knack was a quintessential platform launch game: technically impressive at the time, but widely considered to be a fairly mediocre action-platformer. Knack 2, based on hands-on time with two of the game's chapters, appears to address its predecessor's shortcomings, offering greater depth in its mix of puzzles, platforming and beat 'em up action.

On the platforming side, Knack also has more moves at his disposal in the sequel. In addition to his double jump, he can hover by spinning through the air. This not only makes the platforming a bit easier, it offers opportunities to reach new, previously inaccessible areas. Knack can also shed (and reclaim) the accumulated relics that make him grow in size at any time. Some secret paths and treasure rooms can only be accessed by pint-sized Knack — think narrow ledges or tiny doors obscured by traps — and Sony Japan Studio appears to have worked some cleverly hidden secrets into the game.

The original Knack was often criticized for its difficulty, with the game's normal setting being overly challenging and its easy difficulty mind-numbingly simplistic. Knack 2 will offer four difficulty settings that feel more appropriately named. I played one combat-focused level on normal and found it pretty breezy, though not without taking the occasional beating from a group of foes. Bumping that level up to hard made things, well, harder, but not frustratingly so. (Thankfully, I had Knack co-creator and PlayStation 4 lead system architect Mark Cerny as my occasional co-op partner, and we somehow made it through.)

Finally, the original Knack also received some flak for its storytelling — Knack's dialogue in particular. For Knack 2, Sony Japan Studio has brought Marianne Krawczyk, the BAFTA award-winning writer of the God of War series, onboard to write the script.

Knack 2’s biggest surprise: It’s a lot of fun

Cant stop, wont stop, knack 2 baby :takedat:


Apr 30, 2012
Knack was the first game he was really in charge for. Being a programmer or consultant doesn't really make for a pedigree:stopitslime:

Y'all posted this same list talking about his "pedigree" before knack and we see how that turned out
Cerny did sure move up quite a bit in 30+ years as a mute.

Amazing he did so much sitting in a cubicle and not providing any feedback.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Cerny did sure move up quite a bit in 30+ years as a mute.

Amazing he did so much sitting in a cubicle and not providing any feedback.
I'm sure he's had plenty of input on the technical side of things. That's his expertise.

Not game design. If he was a game designer he would have designed some games :francis:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
From some lazy dev in a cubicle to ps4
System architect. :wow:

Look at this.

Y'all have done this shyt before



Knack looks really clean. I'm open to more 3d platformer games as this gen gamers really been acting immature and wanting only hardcore, dudebro shooters. There needs to be a balance. I hope they show more of it at E3 because the game was getting a lot of slack I think because of it's artstyle and people assuming they'd see a bloody pipe severing someone in half first when the show started.

Should be a nice game if he worked on all those games above and the OG crash bandicoot games were :ohlawd:. Jak and Daxter was amazing and Ratchet and Clank is criminally slept on.

The next crash bandicoot :mjlol: