Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
There isn't

The DCEU brand is tarnished. Now they putting The Joker in this movie

What purpose does he serve? You might was well put the entire Suicide Squad in there as well while you're at it. Oh that's right, Will Smith threw the role in the bushes. The original JL movie dropped 3 years ago. So 4 years will have passed before this remake comes out. There is no overlying story arc in the DCEU by the way. What's the narrative? The End Game (pun in intended

If anything, instead of trying to play catch up with the MCU, they should just start over since that's what Marvel is doing now. But they won't and you will continue to get shytty product to consume. Marvel conquered Fox, and Sony has already become Marvels bytch so the DCEU is all alone on an island now.