Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
After reflecting and trying to give this film the benefit of the doubt, and as a lifelong comic fan and grew up watching the 90s TAS for Batman and Supes, there is quite a bit of injustice in Justice League....
Again, unless you are deep into the lore of DC, the average/non-comic perspective would view this as an incoherent mess, Afleck is stilted and frail looking in comparison to BvS where he was completely believable as Bats and Bruce. Bruce fawning like a groupie when Supes came back?Gadot looks disinterested, Jason Mamoa was essentially Khal Drogo, Flash had ADHD, but Cyborg's CGI rendering was reminiscent of RR's Green Lantern. Supe's resurrection was glossed over...
Batman with the goggles must have been an ode Watchmen's Owl, a Snyderism which I hate in this case...the slow mo scene where our heroes look is annoying...
BvS should have been called Justice League as you had 1/2 the team there, Lex contacts Darkseid or Braniac, boom JL2.
Nope, we get a Russian family getting more screen time than Supes.
Supes fighting the rest of the League
Steppenwolf's backstory
Huge Galactic portal opening and no human military intervenes? Granted it is Russia, but Parademons [O-Dog from Menace] coming outchea and smoking they cousins? And the army ain't do shyt about it? [O-Dog from Menace]
Superman's lip
Ben looking very outta shape and bored
Steppenwolf getting washed too easily. Diana could have probably solo'd...
Too much modern music in the film score, feels too gimmicky. Hans Zimmer please...
You on your period fam? You getting too amped over DC, I have no preference for Marvel or DC, MoS is top-tier, then DC quality recovered with WW....Suicide Squad was also an incoherent mess, execs at WB are fukkin things up. WB dropped the ball many times with DC properties, this is no different.
Some semblance of logic is needed for storytelling....
Make a nonbias, non stanning, non trolling post staying on the topic of the subject matter at hand, and not even talking about or thinking about Marvel but be called a Marvel Stan brehs
