Dont mind me..Im a azzhole
Its all within the parody of them partly mocking amusement parks, pimply face teenage kid and all.What happened to spare no expense? The owner guy couldn't have the hr staff hire decent workers that didn't shyt their pants when an emergency alarm goes off? I don't believe for a second a "Dinosaur" (very dangerous) park would hire a teenager to run any attraction there. Maybe the souvenir shop. The whole point of the first movie was they sent a lawyer their to inspect the park and make sure all safety precautions were being met. Then they go and hire these teenagers?

The attraction he was running wasn't dangerous-its the fact that people where upset they had to leave.

The lawyers must have okay'd Jurassic World then, cuz they have teenagers runnings the attractions.

And EVERYBODY shyt their pants when them alarms go off...at the time..only select staff knew of the danger.

Gotta keep this shyt in perspective..
Just like they had the T-Rex cooped up in the cut for 22 years..