Official JOKER Thread (SPOILERS)

the cool

May 1, 2012
hey joe,....

to tie into the last point. Watch wb fukk up all this shyt because they only know to go to vertigo to save their ass. Plus, watch them miss the chance to make the Thomas Wayne villain movie that makes sense in cinematic sense. Where thomas Wayne should be the main villain to Batman in the new cinematic universe. Watch them miss out on tying in the joker period. From any movie. Watch them miss out on retelling suicide squad and they have a port of it that is animated. Watch them miss out, on joker actually having a son. who could all be made cannon to the dark knight. As the joker that shows up. Is the real next real wildcard joker. Instead of just a brilliant mary sue. That has no cinematic universe weight to tie into such a brilliant revisionist style trilogy by Nolan.
instead we get the wb, once again.
trying to be too smart. By giving us a fantasy relationship wit halle sabu.. I mean zazie beats.
where instead of joker killing her and the daughter implied.

they could have shown the joker having a chemical background. Coupled with zazis beats character having a daughter. While employed by a Thomas Wayne company of lower grade salaried importance. To show the joker as a real criminal sociopath and brilliant manipulator mastermind. Instead all we got was a munchasened pity party. With an implied ambiguous character model in a stand alone film.

where we get no tie in. When it was all there in this one period piece film. Where it all with care to the cource material with in reasonable care could have been done.

the joker should have actually had a real love story with zazie beats character.
narcissistically showcasing his evolution.
to the reveal show of how joker misstreated her.
tying Into the joker being great with women.
plus tie into the suicide squad joker mind take over process revolutionized on Harley queen in suicide squad.
which could also show the beginnings
in the same fashion joker was munchausened into.
from being raised by his own mother.
instead they took the wb spreadsheet film house by absence of reason magic spread sheet commercial coloring book.
only age appropriated for a three year old.
sneaking around the hoise after a nine o clock bedtime.
to get a glimpse of prime time tv.
to just paint us a hamfisted three year old. Getting to re-illustrate the content mr. three year old was not supposed to watch. All played out later.
as a shock addled adult beverage size reality fukk third and fourth wall psycho thriller.
with that old ass this is not reality shyt. When really they should have and could have.
created the joker from the dark knight for tghis nee universe and gave it more meaning.
including gave a joker spinoff origin movie to someone looking to play the origin of the ledger joker. Where it all makes sense in cinematic universe based reason.
Plus work within reason.
as to why we are still watching Batman as consumers. Plus they missed out on a hush movie. where bruce sbould have been with his playmate. Whom both encountered fleck. Where both had this encounter flanked by an over powered Alfred as well.
which creates the villain soliloquay hush gives batman. Where in the cinematic film universe it all makes sense. Where later on. After this whole Alfred show that comes on. To give weight to alfred's character, just being old or wounded. Incapable of not being prescient to counter effectively any attacks from a new green emo fleck. Where eventually, hush kills Alfred and also attempts to kill joker. Where once again batman has his why he does not kill. Plus why he is batman and responsible speech trope. That is sorely missing from every cinematic batman Plus why batman on screen always plays second fiddle to the villain in the silver screen. As batman could be built up as detective comics Batman rather easily. As we see the resolve and complications for why batman. Always mountie wheels in the guy. plus why he is nice with his hands. Drawing emphasis on the fighting action scenes. Surely missing from batman as a grassroots mortal hero. As we do not know batman is really kick ass.
or even cool humintarian weapons company ceo bruce wayne.
including, they missed out on finally tying in the joker within reason.
as the person who shot Thomas wayne and killed MARTHA wayne in the new cinematic film universe. That would have made sense to batman vs supes. Plus given weight in a divorce gen based ideal era moving forward. That connotates to supes and Batman being dual opposites via parenting. Where within reason batman is brooding. As bruce learns.
eventually the joker is his brother and Thomas Wayne wants him to kill his own step brother. They could have even made Thomas Wayne, ras ah ghoual. to create and make the next Batman movie and the next gen with Damien come true to life. Plus played up the whole Talia rapes Bruce thing. Where Bruce gets incest raped.
to make Damien like mordred in king Arthur. To give some component of an epic long running tale to the cinematic dc universe and its heroes. They also missed out on Damien Wayne being found out about. Plus an eventual kidnap Damien Wayne almost never to be seen again. Till way after a few robin movies are a success as well.
as really you could have joker, Thomas wayne and hush all kill a robin further down the line. Plus have Thomas Wayne kidnap the fourth robin, Damien wayne. thomas wayne's own nephew They missed out on having an end credit of epic proportions. Where all you hear is a flatline and then a heart beat. Which could have been MARTHA Wayne dying. Then Thomas Wayne living. to explain his weapon ceo wayne enterprise background. As he goes underground and thus takes over the world. Seeking science to repair or de-age himself back into a healthier body. All inflicted from fleck mortally wounding him. Making him become ras by proxy. Plus give cinematic weight to the detective orgin of batman. They also missed out on making. Including the Thomas Wayne facial reconstruction surgery sword fight moment with bruce pre-batman year one. Where he reveals, that Thomas Wayne and ras are one in the same.. To give weight to the so-called revised origin story of ras and Batman.
Which gives added weight to the criminal elusive mind of the joker. To own Gotham from a grassroots sector. Plus administratively, as safe haven from Thomas Wayne within Arkham as well. As they need to somehow explain joker being a cinematic film mastermind. Plus where joker obtained a sociopathic chemical genius background. Which is a by product of being in the cat and mouse chase of death with penguin, and Thomas wayne/ras. Including escape and manipulation of constant imprisonment by batman to Arkham asylum.

which plays up the my buddy batman love hate joker relationship aspect. where it has cinematic weight.
drawing into the joker is batman's brother for real in this movie too. They missed out on having why batman does not kill. As Thomas Wayne could live. Then the whole why batman does not kill comes into play. as thomas wayne could have made gotham and the whole world bad as weapons CEO purposefully.
They could have redone batman versus superman.
with Thomas Wayne and Lex Luther together enacting the reveal of getting superman to kill the joker and making superman kill the joker. Where it has. Double reveal of Bruce actually not being bruce.
yet an evil clone.
who is running and manipulating Superman. Including the writinggl close out to the dark knight vigilante Batman movie era as well.
where the reveal caveat is.
the Bruce clone still can not kill the joker like Thomas Wayne programmed the clone to do. As the Bruce Wayne who Thomas Wayne steals dna from. Already is the will not kill batman. As the real Bruce knows Thomas Wayne is ras. Plus knows Thomas wayne had him incest raped, cloned, sent his brother off. Which lead to his mother being killed. Which is all because if Thomas Wayne being a piece of shyt at his core. Plus this core now affects the world. As Thomas Wayne has now de-aged and is close to immortality using the precursor to the Lazarus pit. Yet can not save MARTHA Wayne. Which also misses out on a time travel movie. A mister freeze movie. The importance of Batman. Plus you rescue the real batman.
by employing an early age supes. Who shows his intellect missing from the comic cannon. To one be a detective like supes is in actio comics. Plus, play up why batman and supes are actually in kindred to one another with cinematic weight. As the real Bruce Wayne is rescued after ras tortured the real bruce for years by superman.
wb, missed out on a Damien Wayne movie. wb really missed out on a cobblepot: Penguin of crime movie. Where penguin was the midget.
who worked with Arthur fleck he killed in joker. They missed out on tying batman beyond too. Just a lot dc missed out on. As their use of absence of reason. over time tells you to employ absence of reason as a consumer. To just digest their films.
then judge their films individually. Under the guise and precursor of absence of reason. Where we have to give merit to films and film properties. Where we employ absence of reason to credit a large film house. Like it is a lowly underfunded and malnourished resource lacking indie film imprint barely laying for a tax id on a b movie budget of twizzlers. if wb was not large enough.
to market all their films employing absence of reason generally. I really wonder what level of quality films we would get then. Hopefully as technology makes film procurementcost dwindle. The small bmovir indie working for twizzlers. Will one day force the large film house. To employ higher reason and globally make higher quality films.


art barr
holy shyt you typed like a normal human being for once

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
They need to catch a Franklin Murray special....

Yeah, anyone saying this movie is average......has no comprehension of a great performance or even appreciate the film medium as a whole. They broke down his chraracter on some psychological study shyt.

Now That I think about it, a lot of those particular crictics who said this is "average" have been bribed by outside sources. Heavy conglomerates, in fact. :whistle:

This def earned its R rating.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
Gives Heath Ledger Joker a run for his money.

Did he rape/kill the black chick?? :damn::damn:
I enjoyed the movie, but no, not even close. Great character study for looking at how society breaks down those with PTSD and mental illness..but he ain't touching Ledger.


Jun 16, 2014
The Bay Area
I thought the movie really dope but I'm surprised critics say this isn't even really a comic book movie because there are so many hints to the overall mythology of Batman and Joker in the comics. I know it's a longshot but
I want this Joker in the Matt Reeves Batman somewhere down the line, damn the age difference.

Chris Cool

Jun 22, 2014
So Cal
Every other movie seem to have a bedwench in it lately. How the fukk do the Joker get a young fine sister like this. You may call this Monsters Ball Light. Wench's done fell from JD, to Billy Bob to the Joker...a Joker suffering from malnutrition at that. I forgot the preview showed that bedwench at my last movie, so I slipped up going to see this one. I mean these wenches just skipped right over Moe, Larry, and Curly. Then again, they probably didn't. Talking about a laughing stock.

Near the ending, the Joker told his Black female psychiatrist, "You won't understand" or "You wouldn't get it". Then he walked off. Any brother who was of age during the late 80's and early 90's, should easily see this was a White comeback for "It's a Black Thing, You Wouldn't Understand". They also stole the first half of this saying to make it apply to almost anything.

But in reality, we got it, and still getting it. But we don't kill everybody when we do.

Nah c00n, you missed the whole subliminal message. They did the same shyt with that "The Hate We Give" bs. Made it all entertaining and what not, but she went from Wally to the No she didn't fall in love this time, but he still tapped that ass. As a matter of fact, he was about to take it. But your type is fine with that. I just hope you don't try that in real life.

Sorry, no response for cacs or c00ns.

I said I wasn't responding to cacs either. You did quote me didn't you. Never mind. Your on ignore.

When she found out she was sleeping with the Joker, I couldn't help but think about that scene in "JD's Revenge", when that sister first found out she had been really sleeping with JD, a violent gangster who was murdered years ago, who came back and slowing but surely began possessing the law student she was having an affair with behind her husband back. Her husband walked in on them one evening screwing in the bedroom, right when the law student got fully possessed by JD's demonic spirit. When her husband went after him, he whupped her husband ass, and came but so close to slitting his throat. When he let her husband live, and left, his wife still had this look on her face like a confused You couldn't tell if she was shocked or still smiling from the sex.

None of this happened in this movie, but it reminded me of what can happen when sisters jump in bed with anything. In fact, the Joker was crazier than JD, and he wasn't even possessed.
