John Wick 2 Gets 2017 Release Date, New Title
Now, we’re getting into the more important stuff, such as a new title, release date, and setting. Exhibitor Relations, who report regularly on box office matters, took to Twitter today to say that the sequel, now known as John Wick: Chapter Two, will be released on February 10th, 2017 in theaters nationwide. Beyond that, the film now has a new European place of business, with the tweet announcing that Reeves’ superior hitman will be kicking “Italian ass” in Rome in the upcoming sequel. It’s a nice move, giving the new film a new landscape to investigate, as well as a new place filled with a whole other series of villains to go head-to-head with in hand-to-hand, or bullet-to-bullet, combat. What’s unclear is how the original characters, tied to the New York hotel where Wick and other assassins prefer, will factor into the shift in setting. Time will tell, and we’ve got plenty of time to wait before John Wick: Chapter Two hits the big screen for all to see.
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Another birthday present. Baba Yega