Duck Season
i'mawhen malcolm gets got

i'mawhen malcolm gets got
Damn breh I'm dreading this....not watching that episode
Most likely scheduling conflicts with Better Call Saul....which is filmed is Albuquerque, NMi'mawhen malcolm gets got
Will prob be stella as they have her on tape as a snitch, wouldn't be shocked if bonnano takes her out as payback for his son
I actually like how this show isn't following history and anyone can get it
old ass joe bonano lived till 97
Honestly if it was for the coli I would have no idea about this show. I would presume its doing great because Forest, vince ain't cheap. Paul Sorvino, chazz palminteri although old are classic mob actors. We haven't seen alot of giancarlo espisito wonder if they couldn't really afford him this season.
BTW i'd love to see more shows centered around the 60's. Even a JFK type tv show or martin or malcolm, or even a mob show called like the comission or ish.
My nikka method man played the same character in the wire, powerbook, and this. Such a betrayer
Only two episodes left in the season. I'm wondering if this is going to be the final season.
Why would they continue to come out after they heard the first guys getting shot outside ?
Why would they continue to come out after they heard the first guys getting shot outside ?