I'm on the episode right before that oneI'm rewatching the series to get ready for the new season and I'm on the rains of castamere episode, don't think I can go through that ether again brehs
I'm on the episode right before that oneI'm rewatching the series to get ready for the new season and I'm on the rains of castamere episode, don't think I can go through that ether again brehs
Also doing a rewatch and i dont remember Season 2 at all for some reason so far its easily my favorite one
Also doing a rewatch and i dont remember Season 2 at all for some reason so far its easily my favorite one
I skipped 1 & 2 this time around because I don't think I'd have enough time for all 6 and I know I've rewatched those 2 more than the others. What specifically makes S2 your favorite? I don't really remember it standing out to meSeason 2 is my fav as well
Nosure it would have. If the Jon was treated fairly by Cat then if honarble Ned was making b*stards and they got treated right he would have found no reason not to make b*stards. Instead onced he dishonred a noble woman he had no choice but to marry her and not make b*stards.
And Ramsey is a b*stard and he is treated pretty well.
A b*stard is a b*stard in Westeros
And the Ned making b*stards logic falls flat because Ned didn't even make Jon
Ramsay was treated well?
Roose despised Ramsay but needed him which is the only reason he became a Bolton
Roose HAD a Bolton heir but Ramsay KILLED him. Roose had another one on the show and Ramsay killed that lil nikka too
Nobody took Ramsay Snow seriously breh
You didn't readFor everyone in the show they know Jon as Ned's b*stard. And people took ramesy seriously. Ask wun wun. Ask theon. Ask Ramsey brother.
I skipped 1 & 2 this time around because I don't think I'd have enough time for all 6 and I know I've rewatched those 2 more than the others. What specifically makes S2 your favorite? I don't really remember it standing out to me
For everyone in the show they know Jon as Ned's b*stard. And people took ramesy seriously. Ask wun wun. Ask theon. Ask Ramsey brother.
You didn't read
Nobody took Ramsay SNOW seriously
You were the one who said he got treated well its not true.
Ramsay was nobody until he killed Roose's heir which left Roose with no other option but " well fukk it then take these soldiers and hold the Dreadfort lil nikka"
And your Ned logic still falls flat because he actually was honorable in the situation so he wasn't gonna be out here with b*stards anyway
So far i think its....
•Joffrey at his worst
•Not alot of Kaleessi
•Robb/Theon/Arya stories
•Tyrion/Varys/Littlefinger playing the game
I don't think Cat knew Jon's real parentage. Ned took the secret that seriously that only he and Howland Reed knew. No way she treats Jon like that if she knows. Also, she makes references that make her seem as if she didn't know. Like twice that I remember in the series she talks about how Ned's b*stard makes her feel. Honestly, Jon is my favorite character in the entire series, but I can't blame Cat for how she feels given what she knows to be true.So cat treated her nephew like shyt she knew that. My point still stands and cat looks even worse. And roose ain't take Ramsey seriously and look what happened.