Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Sep 11, 2015

Tormund: :shaq::takedat:

Briene: :dahell:


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
Damn that episode was wild trash.. How many times wil Danny pull that walking through the fire shyt? Spent way too much time on her shyt. :beli:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Another fantastic episode and FINALLY some dim light at the end of the tunnel for the Stark's

-for two actors who I think have never had a scene together, Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner REALLY had a Breh in his feelings at their reunion. I haven't been this happy to see two Cac's reunited since Steve Rogers visited Peggy Carter in that hospital during The Avengers:mjcry:

- Jon Snow is a man whose been through death. He's tired of the bullshyt and just wants to go south and let his wounds heal and smash red-headed whores. But The North remembers and Sansa ain't letting that sadistic rapist put feet up in her home and terrorize her youngest brother. Speaking of which...

- I officially cannot fukking STAND Jeffery Dahmer Bolton. This dude is goddamn superman. He couldn't take an L if it was growing out of his ass. I wonder how much they paid the actress who plays Osha to show up and die. I DESPISE that sick fukk. Hope he chokes on that Apple.

- I honestly don't know how much help Theon can be to Yara. The people of the Iron Isles aren't loyal to him. He's basically nobody to them. And Yara needs to chill blaming him and shyt, the man got his dikk CUT OFF! I wouldn't even have the will to live after that trauma.

-Jorah wanna give Daario that fade some SERIOUS but Daario knows there's no glory in killing old Greyscale:mjlol:

-Tyrion continues to impress me with what little he's given in Mereen. He might be the ONLY person smart enough to understand that you cannot simply destroy one economy (slavery) if you do not have a replacement put forth. Or he could just be pacifying them until he cooks another plan but regardless Tyrion is making the right moves for the moment

-Breane is REALLY feeling herself after finally getting to kill Stannis. She let Davos and Melliandre know what was up with the:birdman: face. She let it be known she gonna shoot the fair one with Davos one day and Mellisandre better be ready to birth another demon baby because she coming for that ass until she pay what she owe:ufdup:

-No Arya this week. Has the girl truly become no one?

- Little Finger still pulling strings and not giving two fukks:mjlol:

-Tommen continues to be a whiny little bytch and he's falling RIGHT into the Sparrows plans. I'm ashamed of Jamie for not putting that boy up on game and still following after Cersei like an incestual simp. That bytch's snatch ain't made of vanilla pudding :camby:

-Jon Snow and Sansa, with 2000 Wildings gonna go to war with Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton. Which Houses are still loyal to the Starks? It's been so long since Robb was riding high as King Of The North that I can't remember anymore who REALLY gives enough of a shyt about this "North Remembers" business. Seems like half the North would rather just bow to The Boltons and be done with it.

-Margaery got more heart than her fakkit brother. And THIS is with whom Marvel is gonna place their faith for Iron Fist:wtf:. The High Sparrow talking all that shyt about being a wealthy cobbler and having an "ephinany" like he Jim Jones or some shyt. I can't WAIT for somebody to put a sword in his heart and tell him to go suck his Seven Gods dikks while he rots in purgatory :pacspit:

- Dany FINALLY has a cool sequence. Holy shyt was I getting tired of her prancing around the Dothraki without a true hand to play, but she rebounded nicely in this Episode. The final sequence was appropriately epic and I'm glad that she can return to Mereen in triumph and hopefully wrap up this revolt bullshyt with the aid of Tyrion and set sail for Westeros. With Tyrion's plan they can choose to end the rebellion with peace or with the Dothraki and the dragons they can go on a war path. If Grey Worm has any say they'll choose violence :lupe:

My predictions from last week mostly came true:blessed:. I predicted that Jon wasn't just up and leaving without all his possessions and that time would make way for the Sansa reunion. I also predicted that Jon was going get that letter from Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton (though I thought they'd get real fukked upland include Rickon's finger for proof) and that was going to spur Jon to get the Wildings to help him fight. I also predicted that the Dany-Dothraki standoff was going to end this episode, but I figured it would be with the dragons toasting half the town and the rest deciding to follow Dany's, so I was half right on that.

Predictions for next week, Bran is going to learn something CRUCIAL about the White Walkers. I'm thinking their true motivations. Arya is going to learn something sinister about the many faced God and those who serve him, something that makes her want to defect. Little-Finger is going to little finger and lie his way back into Sansa's good graces and Jamie and Cersei's plan regarding Margery is going to backfire spectacularly because the Sparrow set them up for it.
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Mar 30, 2013
Another fantastic episode and FINALLY some dim light at the end of the tunnel for the Stark's

-for two actors who I think have never had a scene together, Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner REALLY had a Breh in his feelings at their reunion. I haven't been this happy to see two Cac's reunited since Steve Rogers visited Peggy Carter in that hospital during The Avengers:mjcry:

- Jon Snow is a man whose been through death. He's tired of the bullshyt and just wants to go south and let his wounds heal and smash red-headed whores. But The North remembers and Sansa ain't letting that sadistic rapist put feet up in her home and terrorize her youngest brother. Speaking of which...

- I officially cannot fukking STAND Jeffery Dahmer Bolton. This dude is goddamn superman. He couldn't take an L if it was growing out of his ass. I wonder how much they paid the actress who plays Osha to show up and die. I DESPISE that sick fukk. Hope he chokes on that Apple.

- I honestly don't know how much help Theon can be to Yara. The people of the Iron Isles aren't loyal to him. He's basically nobody to them. And Yara needs to chill blaming him and shyt, the man got his dikk CUT OFF! I wouldn't even have the will to live after that trauma.

-Jorah wanna give Daario that fade some SERIOUS but Daario knows there's no glory in killing old Greyscale:mjlol:

-Tyrion continues to impress me with what little he's given in Mereen. He might be the ONLY person smart enough to understand that you cannot simply destroy one economy (slavery) if you do not have a replacement put forth. Or he could just be pacifying them until he work nother plan but regardless Tyrion is making the right moves for the moment

-Breane is REALLY feeling herself after finally getting to kill Stannis. She let Davos and Melliandre know what was up with the:birdman: face. She let it be known she gonna shoot the fair one with Davos one day and Mellisandre baby be ready to birth another demon baby because she coming for that ass until she pay what she owe:ufdup:

-No Arya this week. Has the girl truly become no one?

- Little Finger still pulling strings and not giving two fukks:mjlol:

-Tommen continues to be a whiny little bytch and he's falling RIGHT into the Sparrows plans. I'm ashamed of Jamie for not putting that boy up on game and still following after Cersei like an incestual simp. That bytch's snatch ain't made of vanilla pudding :camby:

-Jon Snow and Sansa, with 2000 Wildings gonna go to war with Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton. Which Houses are still loyal to the Starks? It's been so long since Robb was riding high as King Of The North that I can't remember anymore who REALLY gives enough of a shyt about this "North Remembers" business. Seems like half the North would rather just bow to The Boltons and be done with it.

-Margaery got more heart than her fakkit brother. And THIS is with whom Marvel is gonna place their faith for Iron Fist:wtf:. The High Sparrow talking all that shyt about being a wealthy cobbler and having an "ephinany" like he Jim Jones or some shyt. I can't WAIT for somebody to put a sword in his heart and tell him to go suck his Seven Gods dikks while he rots in purgatory :pacspit:

- Dany FINALLY has a cool sequence. Holy shyt was I getting tired of her prancing around the Dothraki without a true hand to play, but she rebounded nicely in this Episode. The final sequence was appropriately epic and I'm glad that she can return to Mereen in triumph and hopefully wrap up this revolt bullshyt with the aid of Tyrion and set sail for Westeros. With Tyrion's plan they can choose to end the rebellion with peace or with the Dothraki and the dragons they can go on a war path. If Grey Worm has any say they'll choose violence :lupe:

My predictions from last week mostly came true:blessed:. I predicted that Jon wasn't just up and leaving without all his possessions and that time would make way for the Sansa reunion. I also predicted that Jon was going get that letter from Jeffrey Dahmer Bolton (though I thought they'd get real fukked upland include Rickon's finger for proof) and that was going to spur Jon to get the Wildings to help him fight. I also predicted that the Dany-Dothraki standoff was going to end this episode, but I figured it would be with the dragons toasting half the town and the rest deciding to follow Dany's, so I was half right on that.

Predictions for next week, Bran is going to learn something CRUCIAL about the White Walkers. I'm thinking their true motivations. Arya is going to learn something sinister about the many faced God and those who serve him, something that makes her want to defect. Little-Finger is going to little finger and lie his way back into Sansa's good graces and Jamie and Cersei's plan regarding Margery is going to backfire spectacularly because the Sparrow set them up for it.

I truly hope the Sparrows dont win next week i cant take this shyt anymore :aicmon:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Damn that episode was wild trash.. How many times wil Danny pull that walking through the fire shyt? Spent way too much time on her shyt. :beli:
for a major character with the power to never be burned.... she's done it all of TWICE, counting this time


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
That reunion had my house nearly on its feet :ohlawd:

Little Finger just keeps me :mindblown:

Just when I think I got all the answers, Brehlish changes all the questions :why:

That big bytch thought her tall cooch and feelings were safe, before a wildling sniffed both them shyts out :shaq:

Ramsey, what have you done??? :damn:

Come and see :banderas:

So, is the little pawg that could gonna make a move after this, or just keep rolling 1's on the board? :rudy:

Tyrion playing them nikkas, talmbout "keep them for another 7 years, and we'll send you bailout checks to get back on your feet" :sas2:

The Tyrells lost they immunity this week :lupe:

Great ep :blessed:
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