Gotdamn its heartbreaking to see Tyrion love Shae so much knowing what happens later
Its so much better rewatching seeing all the foreshadowing
Gotdamn its heartbreaking to see Tyrion love Shae so much knowing what happens later
Its so much better rewatching seeing all the foreshadowing
"B.C.", "A.C"
So Jesus Christ existed in their world?
BC and AC in the world of ASOFI means "Before Conquest and After Conquest" meaning before the era in which Aegon The Conquerer conquered the Westeros land mass and, and conquered and united all the petty kingdoms under one large Govt."B.C.", "A.C"
So Jesus Christ existed in their world?
You are still wrong in our world it is bc and ad"B.C.", "A.C"
So Jesus Christ existed in their world?
You are still wrong in our world it is bc and ad