not really sure tbh. some say that the book (it's a kid's novel btw) takes place in Westeros. it was written in the 70s so all of that is retrofitted if true. and it is fiction, so it could very well be true
also, there are legends of dragons in westeros before aegon's landing. presumably they could have just been ridden over as easily as balerion and crew tho.
old nan tells stories of an ice dragon too tho, so it's not completely unheard of, at least in legend
I have read The Ice Dragon (his best short story IMO.....its awesome)
That talk about it taking place in Westeros is complete BS invented by his publisher to sell books
The events of the short story don't correlate with the history and lore of Westeros AT ALL
The only possible way it could be retrofitted is if the entire race of people in The Ice Dragon were wiped off the face of the planet before the Children and Giants arrived