It’s VERY clear now... It’s not Jon, not Dany, not Cersei... It will be Sansa in the end. She and Arya have already put a plan in play. Remember what Arya said about her being the smartest person a couple episodes ago. She learned the game directly from Little Finger so she’s going to actually end up fulfilling what he wanted for himself.
Did you hear Dany whining about how Sansa isn't the girl Jon grew up with b/c of what she'd been through, and she would get rid of Dany to see Jon on the throne? Which, of course, is exactly what Sansa would do. Like Sansa said, she's a slow learner...but she learns. She learned from Cersei and Joffrey. From Ramsay and Roose Bolton. From Littlefinger. Hell, even from Ned and Robb. Like she told Jon, they made stupid mistakes and lost their lives because of it. Now Jon is doing the same damn thing. Sansa was on board w/Dany's plan to go to King's Landing...all she said was to
let the army rest first. Dany refused, and Jon's simp ass sided w/Dany. I'm glad he doesn't want to be king, because that dumb fukk shouldn't rule jack shyt.
Cersei told Joffrey in S1 that the North couldn't be held by an outsider. ain't ever gonna rule the North. Get over it. Be the queen of six kingdoms or the queen of none at all.
She should’ve flamed those ships up as soon as the first arrow went out. I hate the logic this show uses.
I thought so, too. But on second look, it seems like Dany wasn't close enough to burn the ships. Remember, the closer she was to the ships, the closer the ships' arrows were to her.