OFFICIAL Game of Holmes Season 8 Thread - A Dream of Flat Tops 4/14/19

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Did a binge leading up to this season (saving the season 7 finale for Saturday/Sunday) and the drop off in quality is extremely apparent when you're watching it back to back.

It's kinda crazy cuz there are amazing fight scenes dope storylines but then there's so many dumb networkish shyt. From Ed Sheanen (or whatever his name is), to putting characters in positions they should die only to have them survive cuz they're not ready to die (a pure desperate attempt at generating awe), to a level of corniness with some of the character reunions as well as our favorite characters meeting for the first time. A whole lot of fan service. It's like a completely different crew made season seven.


Although i will say, speaking as a storyteller, SOME of that stuff was inevitable. As you get closer to the ending most story’s follow a certain formula and there’s not a WHOLE lot that can be done that wouldn’t seem rather obvious. At this point after, say season 5, we all KNEW that Jon, Dany, Tyrion, and Bran were mostly “safe” characters. Everybody pretty much knew that Jon would be resurrected, that Dany would make it to Westeros, that Bran would become the three eyed raven. After season 6 we KNEW that Jon would meet Dany, that Dany would go to war with Cersei, and Jon would go to war with the White Walkers. Its all about the execution, which in some ways they nailed and some ways they didn’t.

One thing they REALLY fukked up on was the LittleFinger stuff. The playing Arya Vs Sansa angle was a good idea in THEORY but it just didn’t pan out right. It played like they stripped both Sansa and Arya of all common sense.

Big Dick

All Star
May 21, 2012
I already know my favorite character is prob def dying (Jaime) so I’m just hoping the last season is piff, and I mean piff enough to rank up with the best seasons. It’s a long shot I know but I got my fingers crossed

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
10 Best ‘Game of Thrones’ Moments So Far

Read the whole list: ‘Game of Thrones’: 10 Best Moments So Far – Rolling Stone

6. The Kingslayer Takes a Bath (“Kissed By Fire,” Season Three)
Of the series’ many sets of unlikely traveling companions, the most complex and appealing duo may be Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth, who develop a startlingly deep bond as she endeavors to fulfill a promise to return him to his sister. Though Jaime was often presented as the show’s smuggest character in the early seasons, his pained recounting to Brienne of how he got the nickname “The Kingslayer,” and what it cost him emotionally, revealed him to be much more than a preening villain — a lonely man who begs to be called by his first name after he collapses in his statuesque protector’s arms.

Glad to see this one mentioned. It's personally my favorite scene in all of Game of Thrones. I'd go to bat to argue it's the best scene, too.

They successfully made me feel completely new things for Jamie and Ned, two characters I formed very rigid opinions on in the first few seasons. Almost a double face/heel turn. Completely undercut my expectations and assumptions not with shock value, but just damn good dialogue, characterization, and acting. If there is any scene that sums up what I like most about the series, grey characters, lore and backstory that inform motivation and character traits, speeches, turns of phrases, dialogue, acting and music, it's this one.

Battle scenes and spectacle weren't really even on my radar when I fell in love with the show. It was just shyt like this.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
10 Best ‘Game of Thrones’ Moments So Far

Read the whole list: ‘Game of Thrones’: 10 Best Moments So Far – Rolling Stone

Most of the known scenes were mentioned (Viper vs Mountain, Ned's beheading, Red Wedding) but a very underrated scene mentioned was Grenn and the Night's Watch holding the door against the giant.

"We don’t need to see the fight itself; the oath is what makes it special."

Can't take a list seriously that doesn't have Hold The Door or Red Wedding as #1

Trying too hard to be different or hip

Apr 3, 2014
Maybe Jon and the Nights King will duel one on one, and he'll kill the Nights King at which point all the others/walkers will die like LOTR lol.

You already know this is what's going to happen

They been foreshadowing it with the fact that the other long haired white Walker keeps getting killed and coming back

So obviously they're gonna keep coming back until the night king get took out

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
You already know this is what's going to happen

They been foreshadowing it with the fact that the other long haired white Walker keeps getting killed and coming back

So obviously they're gonna keep coming back until the night king get took out
That's the same white walker?

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012

Although i will say, speaking as a storyteller, SOME of that stuff was inevitable. As you get closer to the ending most story’s follow a certain formula and there’s not a WHOLE lot that can be done that wouldn’t seem rather obvious. At this point after, say season 5, we all KNEW that Jon, Dany, Tyrion, and Bran were mostly “safe” characters. Everybody pretty much knew that Jon would be resurrected, that Dany would make it to Westeros, that Bran would become the three eyed raven. After season 6 we KNEW that Jon would meet Dany, that Dany would go to war with Cersei, and Jon would go to war with the White Walkers. Its all about the execution, which in some ways they nailed and some ways they didn’t.

One thing they REALLY fukked up on was the LittleFinger stuff. The playing Arya Vs Sansa angle was a good idea in THEORY but it just didn’t pan out right. It played like they stripped both Sansa and Arya of all common sense.

That has been the gameplan for the last few scenes of plot development. In the earlier seasons, where much of the narrative was based on the books, there was a logical consistency to things. Characters acted in ways that fit their character - either morally or politically or whatever else. That's not to say characters were perfect. Folks made mistakes...and usually there were CONSEQUENCES for mistakes (see: Ned, Robb, etc).

Last few seasons have basically been the writers throwing a fully detailed world in the bushes to created must-see spectacle TV with shock moments thrown in to go viral on twitter. Think about how Cersei blew up an entire church of royals and there was zero consequence or even followup on it. They keep doing that in the show...quickly decapitating stories and moving on like nothing matters.

What was the point of LF in those final episodes btw? He had nothing to do, no plots, no nothing. Same with Varys. Nothing to do. They just became slaves to other people's plots.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
On my rewatch I've grown to hate cercei less.

She came up from the typical conniving woman to don corleone of the 7 boroughs status (tyrion is her tessio in the targaryen family up north), all through her own cunning and ruthlessness.

End of season six when she adopted the short hair and dominatrix outfit is when you realise that she doesn't want to accept the backroom role anymore.
What really changed everything to me, was her seeing that witch as a child. Flat out told her everything that would happen, then said her 3 kids would die....

Now imagine you're damn near 40... every single thing has come true, and a boy finds you fukking your bro...

"Oh shyt this is when my kids die.. I gotta stop it"

Ned says he knows the truth

"Oh shyt this is when my kids die.. I gotta stop it"

Tyrion sends the daughter away

"Oh shyt this is when my kids die.. I gotta stop it"

Joffrey out there fighting on the front lines

"Oh shyt this is when my kids die.. I gotta stop it"

Margeray gonna get my son killed and take all my shyt

"Oh shyt this is when my kids die.. I gotta stop it"

etc etc etc.... After the last one dies, which she tried to stop, but actually was the cause of.... the future is caught up to the witch, and she's now like fukk it... I tried... Now I'm just pissed the fukk off

She's a boss bytch... But like Jaime.. Some shyt ain't forgivable