Man, stop it. You (and most people in the world) would have jumped across that table to put hands on this man by now, much less having to deal with his snark and talking down about people (including your own Hall of Fame accomplishments) day after day for years. Skip goes too far and he knows it and doesnt care.Leave for what?
If skip gets under your skin…it may be on you. He goes against the grain no more than the average skeptic.
It's similar to going to funeral and discussing matters of the estate during the ceremony. Yeah its an issue, and an important one at that, but there's a time and a place to discuss things.
You know @FlyBoy718 is non-black. Along with using the term race card (which Black folks dont do) to attack another Black person, him going so hard to attack “cancel culture” bringing up Kaep is revealing.
For the love of God, some of you buffoons in here crying cancel culture are standing next to idiots who dont want anyone held accountable because when they come for YOU, theres no one to turn to.
Stop co-signing these agents
Shannon is trying his best with this defiant narcissist but it’s impossible.
Well then maybe those folks should stop being angry when a known troll trollsand there fools on here who still feel that these blow-ups are fake and scripted, Skip has beefed with everyone who sits across from him, Shannon is done