aka bx_representer

kinda anti climactic for that goon
Him going out like that kinda works for all his bravado he was always clumsy, that being his ultimate downfall seems like a thing Fargo would do.kinda anti climactic for that goon
Him going out like that kinda works for all his bravado he was always clumsy, that being his downfall seems like a thing Fargo would do.
Things picked up this episode but the passage of time made no sense. The war between Cannon and Fadda had clearly been going on a few days at the very least and possibly weeks yet we're supposed to believe that Oraetta stayed around that whole time not going after Ethelrida or just running away when she knew that doctor could wake up any moment?
C'mon son.
Damn, Italian Bluto goes out like that?
Is Loy going to put the pieces together that Josto had the nurse poison his dad and get that back to the people in NY