Official "Fake Russia Hysteria" Thread-TRUMP SMACKS DOWN EXXON DEAL WITH RUSSIA

May 6, 2012
This is just my opinion and not a cape for what I think is an obvious snipe at @4d 6f 6e 65 79 . That's between you guys :hubie:

On one hand I empathize with progressives and what I think is the underlying fear that the supposed left and population in general is not focusing on more "immediate" concerns such as wealth inequality, trade, jobs, gutting the government of its oligarchs, reducing American Imperialism, etc. I'm all on board on that front. I think this is a frustration with this "Russia stuff" of people like Glenn Greenwald, some folks on this board, and in this case Noam Chomsky. They fear if the attention is on this issue, then attention is not being paid to the issues they feel are important, and they are important. Not debating that.

At the same time, they take their frustration a step too far in my opinion. "The Russia Stuff" isn't at the level that I think people like Louise Mench (sp?) and maybe your Rachel Maddow types are engaging in. I also think that the Democratic Party in particular would be very mistaken in putting their eggs all in this basket. At the same time, from what I've read and seen so far, I wouldn't go so far to be as dismissive as the critics I've mentioned and as dismissive as Chomsky is promoting here. There is a lot of valid smoke there. At the very least, based on everything released, some Trump associates are going to jail if not Trump himself.

There is nothing wrong with reducing tensions with Russia and I personally do not advocate increasing conflict to the point of war. At the same time, if your own president, if the worst allegations are to be believed, is literally being blackmailed and has financial debts to a particular country to do their bidding, that shyt is ridiculous. Chomsky acts like for example the infamous Dossier hasn't had quite a bit confirmed so far. Remember, the credibility was respected enough for the FBI to debrief the author in December and offer to pay him to continue his investigation. He is understating the information that has been released so far.

I wouldn't debate the hypocrisy is palpable when the US itself has interfered in other's elections. Its not so much our election was 'interfered with" in my opinion that I am interested in the story. In my case, I just want to see this white house burn.

Noam Chomsky and White progressives have the luxury to view Trump based on the context of his policies and ignore for example putting fukking Jeff Sessions to be head of the DOJ, providing validations for alt-right racist shytheads, having a literal white nationalist as his chief of staff, not to mention the literal Nazi Sebastian Gorka as an adviser. In those arenas, they have no dog in the fight..because they're white. Someone used the term of "Benign Neglect" of the black community by the Democratic party in another thread which means that I'm not looking to the Democratic party to be black folks Messiah. However, what this says to me is that ok, we can't count on that party to do right by us unless we either change it completely or do our own thing. That is still a level below being my literal enemy by targeting black folks for more mass incarceration (yes I know about the crime bill. Lets not discuss that and I'll probably agree with you. fukk hillary) and getting rid of the positive things the previous administration did such as pursuing voting rights act violations against black people and getting rid of police reforms. At that point you're my fukking enemy.

If not just for the last thing I said, I would like to see this administration go down on this shyt. :noah:

Democrats aren't our Messiah but we are their messiah especially when we give our vote directly to them off GP every election cycle without even asking for crumbs.

The same Democrats who've developed a very "republican-like" philosophy over the past couple of decades but if you even question their policies you're a c00n or cac.

"Benign Neglect" is an oxymoron

On the Russian conspiracy, there are too many lies being told and deceptiveness to actually take it serious on the behalf of the Mainstream Media and Establishment. Would it be good if we had a better president than Trump? (What you think :stopitslime:) And I can see how this whole idea of Trump being in collusion is intriguing, fascinating, and almost "24" or "Jason Bourne"-like. It was made to be that way. But I also am convinced there's a possibility that people innocently but ignorantly put on a pedestal as "heroes of information" like Rachel Maddow or vaguely humorous comedians like Stephen Colbert behind closed doors "love" Trump and probably actually voted for least for ratings and business-sake. The same way a lot of posters here aren't genuinely against Trump but see him as an outlet to receive daps and rep,
With that being said, an agenda (whatever it is) is more apparent on the side thats propagating this Russian conspiracy than those that are skeptical. The future might hold new concrete evidence that suggest collusion between Russia,Trump, and Wikileaks, but as of right now: :martin:


Jun 18, 2012
Dems are so pathetic now, they've hired a pro-Brexit conservative to lead their Russia hysteria movement...stupid lame ass bunch of morons :gucci:

Democrats Embrace Conservative Conspiracy Theorist to Lead Russia Hysteria

Democrats Embrace Conservative Conspiracy Theorist to Lead Russia Hysteria
Louise Mensch spews inaccuracies, and Democrats praise her for it
By Michael Sainato • 03/22/17 7:15am

Louise Mensch. Stefan Wemuth - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Since her short-lived political career, Louise Mensch has developed a reputation among Clinton partisans as a constant purveyor of Russian election interference allegations and conspiracy theories. Like several Clinton partisans, her Twitter feed is completely focused on the anti-Russia narrative.

On November 2016, the pro-Brexit former Conservative member of Parliament managed to transmogrify a tweet about the passing of Leonard Cohen—who is Canadian—into a pro-America, anti-Russia attack. In January 2017, she claimed without any evidence that a terrorist attack at a nightclub in Istanbul was a false-flag Russian operation.

On March 20, Mensch retweeted a tweet claiming, “We are at war with Russia.” Mensch has previously called for all out war on Russia, with “precision bombing raids. Bank hacks. Massive cyber war.” This war mongering hysteria from Mensch has lead her to claim that anything she disagrees with is a Russian plot, including her insistence that disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner was sexting a Russian hacker instead of a 15 year-old girl—despite the teen being interviewed in person. When Newsweek‘s Kurt Eichenwald was sent a gif by a Twitter user to trigger his epilepsy, Mensch claimed that a Russian did it, though the FBI recently arrested an American for the attack.

Her false claims venture into other topics too. In 2012, Mensch told reporters that she suffered ill-effects of taking hard drugs in her 20s while in the music industry. “I did serious drugs, and it messed with my head, and it’s a terrible thing, and I do not want to see other young people exposed to that by legalization,” Mensch said on BBC Question Time. In 2015, The Independent reported that Mensch tried to smear the U.K.’s Labor Party as anti-Semitic by citing her own search history. On January 27 of this year, she claimed that NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick was the single greatest recruiter for Donald Trump because he took a stand against racism.

Though many of her claims lack evidence, the Democratic establishment increasingly praises Mensch for her work. Former President Barack Obama’s Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe tweeted Mensch’s embarrassing recent interview with BBC, during which she defended propagating a conspiracy theory that Putin murdered Andrew Breitbart. “Mensch is now routinely cited as some sort of credible journalistic source on Russia conspiracies by unhinged, mainstream anti-Trump fanatics such as MSNBC and Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe, who will launder any insanity as long as it promotes their Tom Clancy fever dreams of Trump as a Kremlin asset,” wrote Glenn Greenwald for The Intercept on March 7.

The New York Times lent credence to Mensch’s conspiracy theories by publishing her recent op-ed about Russian hacking. Several of New York Times’ reporters criticized Mensch and refuted a claim she made in the op-ed about a FISA court order issued for the FBI to examine communications between the Trump campaign and Russian banks. New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau tweeted, “You’ve conned your followers @LouiseMensch in believing you have any clue what you’re talking about and created a shytstorm of ignorance.” Despite Mensch’s long record of fabricating claims and perpetuating conspiracy theories, several Democrats have elevated her work. Rep. Ted Lieu commended Mensch on Twitter, calling Mensch’s New York Times op-ed a “great piece.” Former DNC Interim Chair Donna Brazile, who was exposed by WikiLeaks for helping the Clinton campaign cheat during the Democratic primaries, tweeted at Mensch in response to the op-ed, “thank you for great journalism.” Democratic Party fundraiser Scott Dworkin regularly cites and converses with Mensch about Russia.

This embrace of Mensch and her Russian conspiracy theories from Democratic leadership illuminates how desperate the Democratic Party is to propagate the Russian hysteria narrative in lieu of advocating policy stances that would benefit voters. The party would rather praise conservative war hawks—who salivate at the thought of escalating military conflict with Russia—than develop meaningful policies.


Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Dems are so pathetic now, they've hired a pro-Brexit conservative to lead their Russia hysteria movement...stupid lame ass bunch of morons :gucci:

Democrats Embrace Conservative Conspiracy Theorist to Lead Russia Hysteria

Let's take Louise Mensch, John Schindler, Claude Taylor, and every other Twitter hype-man of the #TrumpRussia story off the table for a minute.

Take a look at page ii-iii ("Key Judgments") of this official Intelligence Community Assessment:

Background to “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections”: The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution

Especially these points:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence.

Further information has come to light since Election Day that, when combined with Russian behavior since early November 2016, increases our confidence in our assessments of Russian motivations and goals.

In other words, it is the official position of all three main US intelligence agencies that:

-Russia launched a massive campaign in an attempt to influence the election and weaken America

-Russia had a clear disdain for Hillary Clinton, and a clear preference for Donald Trump

-Russia's end goal was to hurt Clinton's chances at being elected, and had she been elected, the cyber attacks would have continued for the purpose of undermining her credibility

The above points prompted an investigation into Trump and his aides beginning July 2016.

Explain to me how the above points are a result of the "Democrats' Russian hysteria"? :bpthink:
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Jun 18, 2012
^^^Because it doesn't mean shyt. If Hillary won, no one would care right now. Period.

I work in the defense/intel community. Everyone hacks everyone else. shyt, we just hacked North Korea's missile test....that isn't a rumor, that's a fact, jack. Even our own allies are actively hacking our systems. No one has a monopoly on information, secret or not.

And I wonder if you hypocrties have or had a problem with the United States subverting the Russian elections, and getting that third way dem Yelsin elected in Russia. Until you prove otherwise, you a DNC cocksucking shill like that hindu @4d 6f 6e 65 79


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
^^^Because it doesn't mean shyt. If Hillary won, no one would care right now. Period.

I work in the defense/intel community. Everyone hacks everyone else. shyt, we just hacked North Korea's missile test....that isn't a rumor, that's a fact, jack. Even our own allies are actively hacking our systems. No one has a monopoly on information, secret or not.

And I wonder if you hypocrties have or had a problem with the United States subverting the Russian elections, and getting that third way dem Yelsin elected in Russia. Until you prove otherwise, you a DNC cocksucking shill like that hindu @4d 6f 6e 65 79
Thats not hypocrisy and I'm not a hindu

You obsessed sack of shyt :camby:

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
^^^Because it doesn't mean shyt. If Hillary won, no one would care right now. Period.

I work in the defense/intel community. Everyone hacks everyone else. shyt, we just hacked North Korea's missile test....that isn't a rumor, that's a fact, jack. Even our own allies are actively hacking our systems. No one has a monopoly on information, secret or not.

And I wonder if you hypocrties have or had a problem with the United States subverting the Russian elections, and getting that third way dem Yelsin elected in Russia. Until you prove otherwise, you a DNC cocksucking shill like that hindu @4d 6f 6e 65 79

If I'm a DNC shill I sure ain't getting paid. :hubie:

Don't think they'd pay me either, since I'm an avowed Centrist :mjlol:
You say I'm a DNC shill "until I prove otherwise" but expect me to believe you when you say you work in the IC? :heh:

Even if you do, why should I believe you're in the right position in the IC to make an accurate assessment on Russian collusion? :what:

It's not just about "hacking", my dude. :snoop:


Jun 18, 2012
Russia Conspiracy Twits are mad :umad:

Treasury refuses to give Exxon Mobil special waiver to drill in sanctioned Russia

Treasury refuses to give Exxon Mobil special waiver to drill in sanctioned Russia
  • The Treasury Department said it will not grant Exxon Mobil a waiver to drill in areas of Russia currently under sanctions.
  • The United States sanctioned Russia in 2014 after Moscow annexed Crimea.
  • Exxon's joint venture with Russia's Rosneft accounts for a big part of its potential future output growth.
Tom DiChristopher | @tdichristopher
Friday, 21 Apr 2017 | 2:02 PM ETBreaking News

Treasury refuses to grant Russian sanctions wavers Friday, 21 Apr 2017 | 1:48 PM ET | 00:36

The Trump administration will not grant special permission to U.S. companies, including Exxon Mobil, to carry out oil and gas drilling in Russia while sanctions remain intact, according to a statement from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Friday.

Shares of Exxon Mobil were marginally lower Friday.

Exxon tried to secure a waiver that would let it drill in parts of Russia currently blocked by U.S. sanctions, The Wall Street Journal reported this week. That ban was related to Moscow's 2014 annexation of Crimea and support for separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The push came about a month after former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson became secretary of State.

The Treasury's decision on Friday came as the Trump administration changed its tone on Russia.

After long praising Russia's Vladimir Putin, U.S. President Donald Trump last week said U.S.-Russian relations are at an "all-time low." The United States launched a missile strike on an air base in Syria, a close Russian ally.

Exxon seeking waiver of US/Russia sanctions -DJ Wednesday, 19 Apr 2017 | 1:13 PM ET | 01:04

Exxon and Russian oil giant Rosneft entered a joint venture in 2012 to develop offshore reserves in the Arctic Kara Sea and the Black Sea, as well as onshore assets in Siberia. Those deals, which represent a big part of Exxon's potential future production growth, were halted by U.S. sanctions.

Exxon said in a filing after the sanctions were put in place that its "maximum before-tax exposure to loss from these joint ventures" totaled $1 billion through the end of 2015.

The U.S. energy giant is concerned that European competitors still operating in Russia will gain an advantage in the Black Sea, a source briefed on its waiver application told The Wall Street Journal this week. The company also faces a contractual deadline to make an oil discovery there by the end of the year, the paper reported.

Exxon said in a statement on Friday: "We understand the statement today by Secretary Mnuchin in consultation with President Trump. Our 2015 application for a license under the provisions outlined in the U.S. sanctions was made to enable our company to meet its contractual obligations under a joint venture agreement in Russia, where competitor companies are authorized to undertake such work under European sanctions."

The news of Exxon's effort to re-enter Russia drew swift criticism from both sides of the aisle.

Sen. John McCain, Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, linked to the Journal story on Exxon's waiver application in a tweet and asked, "Are they crazy?"

In a statement to CNBC on Friday, Sen. Marco Rubio said, "While a waiver to allow business with prohibited Russian entities may be in Exxon-Mobil's interest, it would clearly not be in America's national security interest."

Sen. Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Friday said the deals that Exxon sought "would put money in the pockets of Russian oligarchs and the Russian treasury, guaranteed to be used against America, our interests, and our allies


Jun 18, 2012


Aug 14, 2012
so what, the United States bragged about subverting the Russian elections in the 90's

chickens coming home to roost nikka:umad:

So if American intelligence agencies and our law makers discover another country got involved with the election outcome you want them to just give a :manny: or should they resolve any/all internal issues that may have been caused by these actions?

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
so what, the United States bragged about subverting the Russian elections in the 90's

chickens coming home to roost nikka:umad:

Translation: "America did it too, so who cares if it happened to it doesn't affect me personally :manny:"

Answer: If the result of US election meddling gave us President Chester Cheeto, the most incompetent fool ever elected to office, then yes, it does affect you personally.

His 11th hour, one page, double spaced tax plan affects you personally. It may as well have been the phrase "Cut 20% tax for the rich and screw the defecit" written in red crayon.


Jun 18, 2012
Translation: "America did it too, so who cares if it happened to it doesn't affect me personally :manny:"

Answer: If the result of US election meddling gave us President Chester Cheeto, the most incompetent fool ever elected to office, then yes, it does affect you personally.

His 11th hour, one page, double spaced tax plan affects you personally. It may as well have been the phrase "Cut 20% tax for the rich and screw the defecit" written in red crayon.

like i said, chickens coming home to roost

the Clintons got the worst of it not because Putin hates America, or wanted Trump in office. That's a baseless, stupid assertion made by Democrats. He did it because he HATES Clinton. And the term "hacking" is being mis-used for political reasons. The Russians didn't "hack" the election...they released private emails that exposed the corruption of the DNC. If the DNC wasn't involved in fukkery, it wouldn't even be a discussion. The DNC and Clintons have no one to blame but their own damn selves for Cheetoh being in office, not some guy thousands of miles away.
  • Dap
Reactions: Ill


May 3, 2012
Why did his campaign manager, advisor, and national security advisor retroactively file as foreign agents?

Why are two of them asking for immunity?

Immunity from what?

Why did they lie, and continually change their stories about their involvement with Russian interests?

Why was the FBI following Carter Page for 4 years?

Why are you such a b!tchmade troll?

I want your account the day Trump resigns.

Thats some large font.

I'm convinced :ehh:

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
like i said, chickens coming home to roost

the Clintons got the worst of it not because Putin hates America, or wanted Trump in office. That's a baseless, stupid assertion made by Democrats. He did it because he HATES Clinton. And the term "hacking" is being mis-used for political reasons. The Russians didn't "hack" the election...they released private emails that exposed the corruption of the DNC. If the DNC wasn't involved in fukkery, it wouldn't even be a discussion. The DNC and Clintons have no one to blame but their own damn selves for Cheetoh being in office, not some guy thousands of miles away.

That's the FBI/IC's position, though, not just "Democrats". :mjstare:

FBI Director Comey stated in the 3/20/17 hearing before HPSCI that:

(A) Russia is a hostile foreign nation that seeks a weaker America
(B) Putin had a clear disdain for Hillary Clinton (he even said that he "hated Clinton")
(C) The Kremlin had a "clear preference" for Donald Trump

Source: Comey Confirms FBI Is Investigating Trump Campaign, Russia Ties

I still find it astounding that you think that this is a Democrat-led attack on Trump. Trump did this to himself by communicating with the Ruskies. :mjkomrade:
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