Mané Swagincha
6 times
Breh, you teaching English in Brazil or something?
Yea no doubt, teaching and working as an interpreter
just stopping thru or were you staying in SP?
Translating, slinging that lingo at a mining company
Breh, you teaching English in Brazil or something?
just stopping thru or were you staying in SP?
Go to the KD free agency thread it won't be too hard to find a comment dumber.
Yea no doubt, teaching and working as an interpreter
Translating, slinging that lingo at a mining company
And people actually have the audacity to consider Giroud a world class striker. he's turrible.
Payet has fallen in love with himself and has become a fuccin ballhog
PASS DI TING NUH...mans running into players again and again when his teammates are clean open smh