linkThe 1080p blu ray rip is out. Watched it last night and still love it. The visuals are still sick.This seemed to move faster than I remembered.

linkThe 1080p blu ray rip is out. Watched it last night and still love it. The visuals are still sick.This seemed to move faster than I remembered.
so yall really aint' gon come up off a link for the 1080 rip?![]()
alot of costume iconography overlaps in superhero comics, so they gotta plan distinctions ahead of time esp. for a fixed cinematic continuity with thousands of moving parts. The nature of the MCU doesn't lend itself to hard or soft reboots as much as say, James Bond, where it's one main character they have to get right and the others can afford liberties like Moneypenny, M, etc.
For example,
Characters like Frank Castle/Punisher, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, and Taskmaster all have iconography in common,
Characters like Dr. Doom, and Ronan the Accuser, have visual similarity/iconography in common
So in translation to cinema there needs to be trade offs. Otherwise you have moviegoers linking characters that have no affiliation, and that becomes a communication failure which is an L in Movies. Whereas in comicbook storytelling you can afford/ get away with that overlap cause we normally have tunnel vision and we have enough respect for the genre not to link characters based on colors or outfit similarities alone.
I think in the near future. they'll do that in the MCU with Mephisto/ Dormammu/ Surtur as well. They either give characters very stark distinctions (which they establish in the comics 2 years ahead of time with reboots), or they'll merge the two characters into one. I think that's why Ronan's character looked the way he looked in Guardians, cause in the event they get Fantastic four back, Doom gets priority on an all green outfitover ronan.
They also changed dormammu's look cause of surtur as well, not just ghost rider
the faltine flames might light up his dome when he travels to earth/ assumes a corporeal form, other than that the purple is respectful enough given his color pallete in the comics
It's been out all week. I d/l'd the 1080p RARBG brrip last night.Aint no goddamn blu ray rip out
The DVD and Web rip shyts been out like a week now tho
breh the 1080 have been out since Tuesday. The bluray comes out 28thAint no goddamn blu ray rip out
The DVD and Web rip shyts been out like a week now tho
I only fukk with torrentsyo where is the rip u faggits![]()
Sorry dont have a link but its easy to find one. Torrent life/ Plex
Doctor Strange 2016 1080p BluRay x264- (7.65 GB)