Official DOCTOR STRANGE Thread | Multiverse fukkery incoming


May 2, 2012
just watched online... will watch an official tip when it leaks


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
-This movie is deeper than most realize. I'll explain when i get the time.

The minute Dr. Strange roll into the spot they was a lack of perception. he wasn't able to receive things correctly because all his attention went on the Asian dude position on the right. Because he had been condition; it how his mind had been condition he thought that that was going to be the Ancient One. While the Ancient One was out of his line of perception pouring him a cup of tea.

Also think the basis of things goes back into these trees and plants. Most people think that Dr. Strange got all his powers because the Ancient One came and hit him in the 3rd eye. he got his powers because he drunk some tea. The tea stimulant him. That's what end up opening him up.Because inside the plants you find the alkaloids. you find the active materials that in able you to take these trips. Whether DMT. mescaline, etc whatever it winds up being it winds up stimulating the necessary framework in your mind for you to even realize there is a multiverse. Because your mind has to be open for you to understand the complexity of the universe that you do live in.

Now Ancient One was played by Tilda Swenton. Tilda doesnt like being label as a man or a woman. Even though we know good and well she is a Caucasian woman. She does not want to be recognize as one. She wants to be seen as andrygnous. Now the reason she wants to be seen as androgynous is because in the movie they want to make sure they want to have this androgynous energy. Why would they want to have this androgynous energy? Dr Strange represents Heka. he represents the magic. In Ancient Kemet it was called Heka. And Heka existed before duality did. So this is why they had the Ancient One present him with the energy because Heka exist before duality. We can take it a step further. The reason why he was seeking out the one is because he damage the 2. What 2 did he damage? He damage his hands. Hands represent dexterity. Hands also represent duality. If you look at the word heka and glyph you will see the two arms w/ the hands raise position upward.

In terms of the multi-verse is because he represents opening up the different portals. So now you can utilize more realms of thought, ideas, more concepts because he is creating this bridge.

Also the hands deal with the sense of touch. So in this reality here we have these different senses. but the 1 sense you are not going to fool is the sense of touch. Your eyes can be trick, your ears can be trick, your eyes can be trick, you nose can be trick. But if someone put something hot in your hand its going to burn you. Cold it going to freeze your hand. it is the sense that is the most predominant as far as it impact and how we perceive this reality. So on one level they are trying to tell you what is the underlying current of him damaging his hands. Moving as far away connecting you to this 3d matrix. And going to another level of consciousness. They want to perceive different levels of reality or what were calling reality.

Wilder Pickal was a doctor who took electrodes and place it on different areas of the cortex in the Journal of Mental Science July 1955. Closer to the light also speaks of this. In science you have a word which means means something really really real.because some people feel like subjective things aren't real. you hear that a whole lot "well if you can't prove it objectively, then its not a fact". that just not. here is the real question, Are you real? This is important because 1 of the 1st scene in the movie you see Dr. Strange operating on someone's brain. So all these underlying plots are going on with neuroscience understanding how we are made is key. if you are going to step into this mystical understanding of how we are processing consciousness with this body. So in this particular scene, he is working inside this person brain. In the brain you have, magnetite. Roughly about 5 million magnetite crystals per gram. A adult brain weighs about 14 hundred grams. We know that birds have this same crystal in they beaks. Which allows them to tap into the magnetic field per navigational purposes which mean this crystal tapping into a field of energy in order to get this bird spatial awareness and navigation. When we fall into these worlds of duality we forget about the source which is the magnet.

Dr. Strange hit his all time low when he went to John Hopkins. John Hopkins is a institution that studies us (Black people) like lab rats. Anytime we get snatched up murdered back in the day we would end up in John Hopkins. They got all the healing cells from henrietta Lacks. He went there and there was a brother and the brother family. He showed him there was more to life. Until then he was thinking left-brain. Notice how the black man seems to play the gateway in these movies. Also this is the 1st superhero adapt movie where the superhero go his powers a bit through studying.

The sacred geometry you have to think about the source of trivium. The trivium presents rhetorical, logic and grammar as the steps of communication. it one thing to have a thought. it is another thing to speak the thought out your mouth and understand the message you are trying to convey. This is why all the magic books are call grimories. The whole art of talking and speak is magic. Because it is the real way that our brains is to build and to learn. This goes back to stimulation of the magnetite in the brain of thought process and cognitive function between one universe and another universe. And you are doing this because now you are on someone elses land. While on they layline their is certain flow of energy of frequency that exist there the language encompasses a particular power. So when we choose to learn a language that is to stimulate a certain type of increase the border of strength, knowledge, awareness. the word is magic.

In regards to the shape we find that if we play with them with the mind eye. And hold them as 3-dimensional objects. What happens w/ our consciousness is we'll be able to bring forth a awareness. By being able to breakdown the structure of universe itself. Which is in shape, symbol. So we enter a vehicle that gives us the ability to travel in thought to deal with other info. Dynamic stabilization in the brain. Pathways that are rarely activated in the brain. this body is creating circumstances in order to keep certain pathways lubricated and active. When you study NDE or OOBE's you see similar patterns happening

The energy of Serqet or Ishkhara The scorpion Goddess in Kemet can also be understood to be in this movie. This is the goddess that was over healing and she was known as the one who causes the throat to breath. She is also known as the one who comes along when there is a twist in your past. That how he broke his hand because he was curving around that mountain zooming and had a twisted path.

if there is more i pick up on i'll come back and edit
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Sep 11, 2015
more concept art





Dormamu concept art






Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Good movie...can't help but feel the director was a bit limited from where he wanted to take it.

The music/score was a failure. Dope music could have made this shyt epic.

The villain...meh. Waste of a good actor.

I'd say its the best origin movie since the first Iron Man though.

I just legit thought this would be a Nolan/Russo level film.

That end credit scene though.:pachaha:
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Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Cate Blanchett is also in it as Hela, who is the MCU version of Death.

I foresee the next Thor movie being the same leap the Cap movies made from the first one to "The Winter Soldier".

Its the Marvel movie I'm looking forward to the most in 2017. GOTG2 I'm sure will be very good, but that director (assuming he gets the freedom the Russos/Gunn got) he'll bring something fresh to the MCU in 2017.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Finally watched since it's out there now

Was decent.

The visuals are the star of this film. By far.

Strange himself just isn't that interesting. Movie suffered from the being a generic factory marvel film complete with shytty villain,forced love interest with 0 chemistry,bad music etc.

And the ancient one being a frail white woman is still fukking bullshyt. White washing garbage.

BUT,I was fairly entertained just off the visuals. The humour wasn't too over bearing surpsingly. It mostly felt natural instead of shoe horned in.

The magic side of the universe is just cool as shyt and I love it. I want to see more of it because it feels fresh and original in the movie world.
