Official Dexter Season 7 Thread - Beginning of the end


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
So there it was...a coward revealed at long last. Loved the flashback scenes with Doakes and the beginning of his suspicions of who Dexter was. Unwittingly by allowing himself to play the role of a regular decent, everyday individual, it just opened up the investigation into him. All of this time..Dexter has killed the wrong and the greedy but that's two legitimate cops dead over his choices and serial killer lifestyle. Even turned his sister into a accomplice. Dexter Morgan exposed as a TRUE VILLAIN at last. He never was willingly to be brave and give himself up..only to cover it up piece by piece no matter who had to fall. Lucky Luciano himself would be proud of that mindset:evil:

remember rule number 1 of the code
1st Rule of the Code : Never get caught


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
That kind of went out the widow when he wanted to turn himself in at the end of Season 2 though. Then SELF PRESERVATION factored in, no CODE in sight, and of course as it turned out, conveniently, Lila just happens to kill off his problem for him and he had a reason to go on. That old Lion King saying "The Circle of Life" comes back to prominance..even in this setting.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
That kind of went out the widow when he wanted to turn himself in at the end of Season 2 though. Then SELF PRESERVATION factored in, no CODE in sight, and of course as it turned out, conveniently, Lila just happens to kill off his problem for him and he had a reason to go on. That old Lion King saying "The Circle of Life" comes back to prominance..even in this setting.

he changed look what he told his ghost dad, he now has a kid, he enjoys his life

i can see next eason ending as well as dexter running away with hanna both on the run


#SnitchGang Elite
Apr 30, 2012
Sneak Nation
I cant' wait to see how they handle LaGueurta's death. Dexter and Deb just went to Batista's party like nothing happened right afterwards. There is no way you can just sweep the murder of a police captian under the rug. shyt is most certainly gonna hit the fan next year. I can see Mathews playing a big role. I can see Dexter finally getting caught for real next season seeing as how it is the last season. There are so many loose ends (LaGuerta's death, Hannah on the loose, the signed warrant, the video). I can't see Dexter wiggling out of this one.

Nothing is gonna hit the fan, over the past 7 seasons Dexter has dealt witht he most ruthless assassins, serial killers and other criminal elements and survived. Dexter's only threat from the law side was Super Special Secret Agent Frank Lundy and he had Lundy put him on his gangster squad helping him do his work. Trinity Killer was killing for 30 years and Lundy couldn't catch him but Dex found him by episode 3... if Lundy couldn't deal with Dex then Miami police definitely ain't fukking with Dex.

Add the fact that nobody gonna wanna be apart of the Bay Harbor Butcher case seeing how LaGuerta went insane dealing with it they gonna close that case as fast as they can. Plus even if they do catch Dex and put him on trial, Dex will just use his experiences from fukking Hannah and use that poisonous plant she left on his doorstep to make a poison to drug all of the jury and the judge and Dex will just swag walk outta the courtroom to freedom.

Team Dexter, we stay flexin' on em'!

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
Darker? No it not darker, it's just Dexter going the "Nucky Thompson, you can't be half gangster" route. That was the whole point of the Doakes flashbacks, when he was trying to be friendly to everyone Doakes saw through that shyt and was like ":what:Mutherfukker I ain't buying that shyt!" which is why he threw Harry's Code and his "dark passenger" persona in the bushes so he could level up to 100%.

As for Deb she'll be fighting along side Dexter getting her Nightwing on, when she was crying on LaGuerta saying "I hate you!" she wasn't talking to Dex she was talking to the dark passenger inside her that took over her body and shot LaGuerta... she can't control her darkness yet like Dex can but over time she will and will make season 8 glorious.

Let see, it all started when Dex killed DDK and Deb walked into the kill. She keeps digging him deeper and deeper. She is a horrible cop, not really good at that. Now she is horrible killer, using her own gun to kill LaGuerta. Dex been cleaning up Deb's mess all season. Dex is screwed, especially with a born loser by his side. Dex going to jail is the only thing that would save Deb.


#SnitchGang Elite
Apr 30, 2012
Sneak Nation
Let see, it all started when Dex killed DDK and Deb walked into the kill. She keeps digging him deeper and deeper. She is a horrible cop, not really good at that. Now she is horrible killer, using her own gun to kill LaGuerta. Dex been cleaning up Deb's mess all season. Dex is screwed, especially with a born loser by his side. Dex going to jail is the only thing that would save Deb.

:dwillhuh:You know looking back on it Travis Marshall did more damage than we gave him credit. It was Dex dealing with Travis that allowed Deb to catch Dex leading her down that slippery slope eventually leading to LaGuerta's death. Plus LaGuerta was gonna use Travis's death to catch Deb with that security footage, he earned that name "Doomsday Killer".


Half RenAi, Half Amazin'.
May 5, 2012
TOKYO, Taitou-Ku.
Nothing is gonna hit the fan, over the past 7 seasons Dexter has dealt witht he most ruthless assassins, serial killers and other criminal elements and survived. Dexter's only threat from the law side was Super Special Secret Agent Frank Lundy and he had Lundy put him on his gangster squad helping him do his work. Trinity Killer was killing for 30 years and Lundy couldn't catch him but Dex found him by episode 3... if Lundy couldn't deal with Dex then Miami police definitely ain't fukking with Dex.

I'd like to agree with you, but I truly think this is the beginning of the end. I figured the series was gonna end like the book where everyone finds out who dexter is and the city celebrates him for hunting serial killers, but that shyt just got thrown out the window after what just happened.

These next two seasons are about to be fukking dark.:unsure:


BK to NJ, but always a New York Knicka
May 4, 2012
not so fast my friend

we didnt see the end, for all we know they cut up laguerta and the other dude and disposed of their bodies, and it will just be a disappearance with estrada the main culprit, last number who called her was estrada, and batista checked that she got estrada released

Yes :ohlawd:


Fire John Harbaugh
May 1, 2012
Below, showrunner Scott Buck takes our burning questions.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Dexter is a serial killer and even he was struggling with the idea of killing LaGuerta. How did Debra, whose value system is so different than Dexter’s, make that jump?

Scott Buck: I think she was under extreme duress at that moment. Dexter is the master manipulator, and it’s left up the to viewers how they want to interpret things, but Dexter was very much in control of the situation.

By saying that, are you hinting he expected her to show up?

Buck: No, I don’t think he was expecting his sister to show up at all. But when it finally came down to it, I think he handled it in the smartest possible way.

Was Debra always going to kill LaGuerta, or did you consider another outcome? And what was Jennifer’s reaction?

Buck: From the beginning of the season this was always how it would end. She knew very early on this was where it was going, she was excited and terrified to take Debra down this road.

Does killing LaGuerta really make that warrant [for Dex and Deb's incriminating cell phone records] disappear? Isn’t that sort of hanging out there for investigators to find?

Buck: The warrants are still sitting on LaGuerta’s desk so they have not been filed. So there is no record of a warrant at this point.

And another question fans were wondering: Are you going to address the fact that Debra uses her own gun to kill LaGuerta?

Buck: That will be addressed. We’re also dealing with Dexter here who’s not only the person planting the evidence but will also be the forensic expert collecting the evidence on the other end.

You also brought back Sgt. Doakes in flashbacks. Can you talk about the decision to have him return?

Buck: I was a huge fan of Erik King. I always thought he brought so much fun and energy to the show. We always talked about a way to bring him back, but we didn’t want to do it arbitrarily. Since we were telling the end to LaGuerta’s story it felt very organic to bring Doakes back.

Will he appear in more flashbacks next season?

Buck: We haven’t discussed that yet.

You’ve said next season will explore “where Dexter started,” can you elaborate on that?

Buck: I think we’re all aware of Dexter’s origins, born in blood in that trailer. But I don’t think we’ve full explored the whole story and next season we’ll learn there was more to it than we’ve discovered. There’s more things that Dexter has not yet discovered about how he came to be who he is.

Angel Batista (David Zayas) is retiring, but I’m assuming he’ll have a role?

Buck: He announced his retirement. The finale took place just before he filed his papers. The situation has suddenly changed a great deal.

Hannah (Strahovski) wasn’t killed off, which surprised me since guest stars tend to only last one season on the show. Will she be back next year?

Buck: I certainly hope so, yes. I can’t elaborate because we’re just at the beginning of figuring out next season and deals have not been made yet. But I’m very interested in having Hannah back.

At this point, Dexter is really less a vigilante killer and more of a murderer covering his tracks. Are you deliberately taking his character that direction?

Buck: I think LaGuerta was a very different kill than any Dexter has done before. Obviously it wasn’t him who killed LaGuerta but I think he’s as responsible as anyone. Yes, it was done very deliberately. I know a lot of viewers see Dexter as almost a superhero. We wanted make sure everyone was aware that at his core he’s a serial killer with a code. He’s evolved a great deal over the years from someone who was lizard brain psychopath the first season who was very good at playing the game. But as he’s become more human the risks have become much greater. That’s something we’re trying to explore this year and into the next season.

Is there a concern that viewers will no longer sympathize with him and Debra? Or are we supposed to be turning on him in the home stretch?

Buck: I don’t think we’re supposed to be turning on him, necessarily, but I think we want people to understand him a bit better. The more human he becomes the more responsible he becomes for what he’s done and that’s something we’re not trying to shy away from. It makes the character more interesting and complex and even more culpable.

In terms of Deb’s romantic feelings for Dexter, you dealt with those feelings head-on part-way through the season. What are Debra’s feelings for Dexter now that she’s killed LaGuerta?

Buck: She’s so overwhelmed by everything I don’t think she can even process what she’s thinking. But she’s going to be in a very different place than we’ve ever seen her before next season. I think she’ll always love Dexter in her own way but I don’t know she’ll continue to harbor romantic feelings for him.

Will LaGuerta’s death bring them closer together or drive them further apart?

Buck: A little of both. It bonds them in a unique way, but it’s a very tragic way. They will always have that connection but it’s not necessarily the most positive way of being bond to someone.

Will there be a Big Bad villain next season? Do you even need one given all the drama you’ve set up among the main characters?

Buck: It will be a different incarnation of that sort of character. We’re not thinking of it in terms of a Big Bad. But there will be people for Dexter to go up against.

But it won’t be another serial criminal that police are tracking at the same time?

Buck: It won’t be the traditional Big Bad, no.

Next season has been called a likely final season. Is that still the case? What conversations have you had with the network about that?

Buck: That’s a Showtime decision and I’m not aware a final decision has been made. But we’re approaching the season as if it’s a final season. If we’re told otherwise, we’ll redirect.

So terms of the story, you’re taking it toward a satisfying series conclusion next year and not a cliffhanger?

Buck: Absolutely.

Do you have a clear ending scene in mind?

Buck: Yes, absolutely. We’ve always had various was to end the show and they were always quite similar. It was more a matter of landing on exactly how we want to end this and that’s the direction we’re moving right now.

Is there a chance of this show having a happy ending?

Buck: A serial killer story can only end so many ways and none of them are particularly happy.

'Dexter' showrunner explains shocking finale, season 8 plans | Inside TV |


My Soundtrack is the second “Carter”
May 24, 2012
215 Uptown!
I'd like to agree with you, but I truly think this is the beginning of the end. I figured the series was gonna end like the book where everyone finds out who dexter is and the city celebrates him for hunting serial killers, but that shyt just got thrown out the window after what just happened.

These next two seasons are about to be fukking dark.:unsure:

Next 2?? :thisnikka:

THERE IS ONLY ONE SEASON LEFT. Season 8 is the end of the show.
May 2, 2012
All last night did was make it even more obvious how big a mistake this show made by getting rid of Doakes.
And the OG move Hannah pulled has me hoping Showtime gives her a spinoff.

Doakes' whole existence as a character was to be Dexter's arch rival.. they had to have him killed off... he was on to him from the jump.


#LongLive24 #TMC America's Team, Lakeshow, & ASU
May 1, 2012
The Valley Of The Sun 602🌵480🌵623🌵520
Deb used her own gun so they're not gonna be able to pin it to Estrada like Dex planned. Deb is gonna have to actively spin it that Laguerta flipped and came at her which is gonna have her :to: all next season.
Breh...Debs gun is irrelevant. They tossed that bish in the bushes ocean.

Great fukkin season...i was literally biting my nails for the last few moments. I just didnt know exactly what was gonna go down. I thought this season had jumped the shark like everyone else...I think we can say we were wrong...this shyt is still one of the premier shows out.

Deb was lookin real ride or die in that last scene.


pretty disappointed Quinn didnt get clapped up by the Russian mob like Alonzo. Just finished watching this...bout to go watch Homeland :mjwin2: