Finished the story missions for the vanilla campaign and house of wolves and the dark below.
I can see why reviews were not that good and a lot of people were pissed.
The game play is great but man,game just leaves so much potential on the table.
The story is nonsensical. I have no idea what's going on. The missions are basically all the same,it's very reptitive. I didn't even realize I finished the last mission until I looked it up online afterit was so anti-climatic.
That said I started taken king and the improvement is very noticeable. The missions seem a little more interesting. There's actual scenes and I can follow what's happening. It's disappointin the taken are just reskinned versions of other enemies.
Haven't dabbled in too much other stuff yet. Did the first arena. Tried the 2nd one but too under powered right now.
Was there a reason bungie gave why some stuff has matchmaking and others don't?
I gotta say the division campaign>>>>>>>destiny and it's not even close.
I agree with most of this but gameplay over everything because that has longevity. There's a reason why I've been playin this almost exclusively for the past 2 years because theirs so much to do gameplay wise as far as builds and experimenting if you're that time of gamer. If a person just goes with the "best" weapons and builds then this game, like most will bore you quick. This is basically for a borderlands type of cat.
But to your point about matchmaking the the division is a perfect example of why matchmaking would never work for raids. The shyt is terrible for something that requires coordination and communication, most nikkas don't even play with mics like that but nightfalls and simple shyt should have matchmaking