I'm so trash at PvP.

I'm still getting use to the weapons but
how do you body people with the hand cannon with that slow RoF and recoil?
head shots....hand cannons in the game are a monster if you get head shots...most can 3 hit kill....that ill will is a 1 hitter quitter though, it's so damn lovely....
Any tips for improving my game? This is different from other games but I'm enjoying the learning curve. I've been mainly using the AR and staying in the back but when I get someone up close...
best tip to get better is just play and not worry about k/d....play to get used to the game (supers, learning maps, speed of the game, etc.), find your play style, and try out different weapons to find what you like to use that fits that style....at this point, most that play the game have already done that, so they have an advantage on people trying to just get in the game....they know maps, how they like playing, what guns can do at what ranges, what guns they like, what perks on guns they like, etc.....ex: that's how people can body cats with hand cannons and got you wondering how they do it....
since you like to play the back with an AR in other games, i suggest you find a good scout rifle....they are better at fighting from a distance in this game than ARs are...ARs are meant for closer fighting in destiny...look into the one from dead orbit (it's a monster with great perks already on it) or getting the badger from a vanguard drop....if you cant get one of those, the vanguard or crucible ones work...also, i'd pair a shotty or fusion rifle with that for close fighting....
the key thing in what i'm saying is to find stuff YOU like that fits YOUR play style...i say that cause you can look online and see what the majority are using in setups cause of what some youtuber/twitch player uses, but that doesnt mean you'll like to use it nor does it mean you'll be good with it....just remember you play the game for you....