these numbers dont speak for shyt....I mean, you gotta take in consideration that there are a couple consoles (ms) that cant get the hawkmoon...also, it's a lot harder to get the hawkmoon than it is the thorn since you cant do a bounty for it and just gotta get lucky it drops for how do these numbers say the thorn is the strongest pvp weapon?...they don't...
even with that said, am I surprised more people use the thorn?, cause like I stated it's more easily available than the hawkmoon...also, it's an easy gun to that I mean cause of the damage over time effect, cats don't have to be good to get kills with it...seriously, you dont even really have to aim with it....all you gotta do is 'spray and pray' and let the effect do the rest of the work...that's why there is a high use of it just like autos used to be...people think easy to use equates to being the strongest/most powerful, when that's not the case...there are plenty of guns that are better than the thorn (other hand cannons, scout rifles, pulse rifles, snipers, and shotties), but they take more effort to use...