these are all great ideas. They probably haven't added trading cuz they know someone bound to find an exploit and be able to either duplicate items or straight steal the other dudes shyt. It can work as a clan or friends list only option and equal value trades only
personalization sounds like microtransactions waiting to happen. I want it too, but I get the feeling it'll be paid dlc like COD
what I would add for the people who blow thru everything in a day or two then wait for next tuesday, are weekly challenges to give people more incentive to play everyday until the reset. all of the bounties except the exotic bounties can be completed in a day and they haven't really changed much since launch (except for Eris now), so why not add a bounty like get 10,000 kills and when completed you get a 20,000 xp and/or a legendary engram
Motes of Light are kind of useless despite being the thing you get for leveling up after you reached 20. you can buy bonds, capes, cloaks for your character, and engrams from Xur and thats basically it. Since you obtain them from gaining xp and leveling up (among other things) you should be able to convert them back to xp for your items. Like 20 Motes of Light can fully rank up a legendary item for example. I'm sitting on 60 right now and thats after buying 3 helmet engrams the last two weeks which cost 69 motes of light altogether