new info about raids:
- there isnt waypoints nor objectives telling you how to get to and in the and your team are trying to create a 'key' for when you run into someone/something in the game....they arent gonna tell people what it is/what to do, but they expect people to share how on the net once it's found out....only info they've shared is you have to be level 20....
- raids have normal and hard modes...normal is more about learning to work together as a team...hard is taking what you've learned and making it work cause that shyt is gonna be tough....there are harsher penalties for dying when on hard...
- you get a week to finish a dont have to do it all at one time, but the progress will be reset every tuesday....
- there is a lot of loot to be had in the raid....each weapon type (9 in total) has a 'legendary' kind that you get from the raid...there is also armor to get from it...the loot will be a fixed inventory (predetermined what you can get) for each week, but there is a 'lock out' on the loot...meaning you wont get the same shyt twice...there is a catch though (see next point)
- you can only get loot once a week with the same character...meaning if you go through it with your warlock and get loot, you wont be able to get loot for your warlock again until the following week when progress is reset.....but if you have other raid ready characters, you can run through the raid and get loot for them in the same basically, they encouraging you to get your weight up with all 3 characters....
...i now have a number 2 thing to do when i start playing: figuring out what that key is.....i cant fukking wait....