just watched the brawl for all episode...
if the whole back office didn't instigate and push all of bart gunn's buttons dr death might have had a better chance. but they pissed off bart so much he went out the extra mad and ready to kick some ass. then they got mad at him.
and im really not understanding everyone in the doc saying they couldn't have gotten him over. they couldnt get a big motherfukker that knocked everyone out a over in the late 90s??? yeah right. make him a prizefighting no nonsense kinda guy, something. they didnt even have to put him against austin but they couldve made bart gunn work. if they could make billy work they could make bart work. no one gave a shyt that billy was a cowboy when he joined dx. maybe cause he jumped from one silly ass gimmick to the next. just shows that they were all bitter and mad that they prodded the bull and the bull retaliated.
i could watch jbl get knocked out by gunn on a loop

he got what he deserved. but the ref shouldnt have let the match continue after that first punch by him. he looked barely coherent.
really shows how success is really just based on who you know. a lot of the time it doesnt matter how good you are or what you earned or were promised.