Watching the WCW/NJPW/Korea episode. Smh @ Scott Norton copping pleas for Hawk's hoe ass.
Who's gassing up John Cena & Batista?\
Dude, the wrestling business is not a business that is lacking "doom & gloom".
They could make an episode every day for a few years and still have shyt to cover.
1) Bruce Prichard and Jim Ross have both talked about him coming back in 96 and neither of them mentioned anything about guaranteeing a championship run
2) If you're going to cite dirt sheets from 96, provide some receipts. I'll even help you:
Nothing Meltzer says in there indicates they were planning any sort of title run.
I flipped it off and started watching the A&E one on Roddy Piper. I just didn't feel like watching something that sad yesterday.Man this was one of the hardest eps to watch
of course theyre not gonna mention all that when theyre trying to paint his run as a failure.
meltzer wasnt the only game in town. LOL. i didnt even know who meltzer was in '96. no offense but i dont have time to sit around doing google searches for random half-articles that prolly got wiped off the internet with compuserve. if you dont believe me, then fine. i was there tho.
Bruh, Warrior was in matches with HHH, Goldust, Jerry Lawler... and then he was gone in less than four months. Obviously he was gonna be one of the main faces, but it ain't like he was being skyrocketed to the top. You might be the only person I've ever seen saying his '96 run was some kinda big deal.
it was a big deal in the sense that he kept alot of fans from jumping over to WCW. he was like the last straw to grasp at.
i never said he was sky-rocketed. otherwise, he wouldve had the belt already.
Fyi vince wanted warrior back in 97 on a multi year deal
WCW was well on its way to beating WWF by then, the last time WWF topped Nitro in the ratings until '98 was in June of '96... so he wasn't really making that big of a difference. It's ok to say that lil run was a flop, I'm sure even he would at least admit it was nowhere near what it was expected to be.
Very interesting. I wonder if VKM was desperately grasping at straws? Or was he simply narcissistic enough to believe that he could propel UW to his former height in popularity.
That’s the power of ‘strucity either way.
i already addressed all this.
you cant carry ratings when youre barely on TV, and when you do show up, you just cut a quick promo or shoot a quick angle maybe twice a month for a dead-end feud. that doesnt change the fact that he rejuvenated their buzz when he returned, brought old fans back and was the only thing keeping them around, along with the others that were still loyal but about to switch to TNT permanently. why are we dancing around this??
yall going along with the narrative theyre spinning, as if the warrior was front-n-center every week getting dead reactions & dropping ratings. thats not true at all.
It was never gonna be that '88-'91 level of Warrior popularity tho... that's not a narrative, that's just the truth. You can 'I was there' us to death butso were the people who actually worked there. I was watching (barely) at the time, it was nowhere near him at his height. Warrior's presence wasn't shifting no ratings or helping them top WCW.
meltzer wasnt the only game in town. LOL. i didnt even know who meltzer was in '96. no offense but i dont have time to sit around doing google searches for random half-articles that prolly got wiped off the internet with compuserve. if you dont believe me, then fine. i was there tho.
i never said his popularity was peak-levels.
but he wasnt as far from it as people are making it seem for personal reasons.
you keep bringing up ratings, and i keep telling you that he was barely on TV. so why are you still trying to make the argument that they werent winning the ratings war??? youre pushing an agenda too.
and its no coincidence that when he left, the ratings that he boosted were instantly gone. but of course, nobody is gonna acknowledge that chit.
hell, look at when he went to WCW years later. you know how many WWF marks were tuned into nitro?? how many raw cats were discussing nitro on the forums and at school for like the first time ever?? and it only lasted while he was there. these WWF marks didnt pop up for bret hart coming off of the overhyped montreal screwjob, or none of that chit. if thats not a draw or an impact player, then i dont know what is.
but let revisionists tell it, he was a flop and couldnt adapt. nevermind the fact that tons of other old acts were still getting money.![]()