Just got done watching the first part of the Benoit episode. Just brutal stuff to see everyone, but Chavo and Vickie especially, talking about Benoit and Eddie. Realizing that Chavo was essentially the first to discover both of them dead is just heartbreaking to watch play out.
I'm very interested to see how the second part of this plays out, and what it goes into regarding Benoit's legacy (will it go into wrestlers barely learning anything from the double murder-suicide, for instance). But the mere fact that they got me interested in a well-covered story by giving us the wrestlers and direct relative's perspective on Benoit's mental state bodes well for what's to come.
I also hope that this finally puts to rest a lot of the speculation around his motives for killing Nancy and Daniel. It's been clear since it happened that the situation had a lot to do with Eddie's death and how Benoit (didn't) process his grief, and I really think that the deaths just seem to be a result of that grief finding an unimaginably dark way of showing itself. Doesn't excuse his actions in the slightest, but there's something incredibly sad and tragic to me about Benoit not being able to resume a normal life without Eddie by his side nonetheless. Whoever said it was like Benoit lost a spouse as opposed to a best friend (may have been Jericho) was dead on with that observation.
I'm really excited about this season, as they seem to have a really good mix of stuff for the casuals (Brawl for All, Owen Hart, this, Snuka) and interesting stories for insiders (Herb Abrams and, my personal pick for most anticipated episode, Dino Bravo). Gonna be looking forward to this over the next few weeks.