Amazon will accept whatever currency will net them a gain.ebay and amazon will not accept bitcoins. they are both very zionist companies tied to zionist banks, which are branches of the zionist federal reserve.
maybe the other little retailers like tigerdirect and the little ones. but those little companies risk being eaten up by the big ones. and risk losing their ebay stores.
crypto currency has the inevitable future but you gotta be in it for the long run. the fed will try mess with them to have its prices go up and down to discourage ppl from using them.
don't be fooled, the federal reserve is buying them up.
Where did you pull this graph from on that website?let me start by posting this
At this point, all other cryptocoins are, frankly, irrelevant. There is no competition, at least not yet. None of the coins on this chart offer any significant advantages over Bitcoin. None of them standout on a technical basis.
How is it a better move to diversify? This is not the stock markets. There is no safer cryptocurrency play than Bitcoin. Diversifying is used to lower the risk output. Every other coin on the market is MUCH more of a risk than Bitcoin. They are litteraly gambles. Coins mostly created and promoted by people who feel they have missed the opportunity to profit from the Bitcoin "bubble". Don't get me wrong, some are actually trying to innovate, but most come up short.
The average cost of my Bitcoins are around 800$ right now. Obviously the profit gain from bitcoin interest me. But aside from that, I am into it because of its revolutionary potential. I believe cryptocurrencies will change the world. Bitcoin's network and the infrastructure around it is not negligible. Like any technology, the network effect carrying it is massively important. This is why Bitcoin has the most potential. And if you believe that potential, you are totally wrong to think it is not worth it for people just starting out. You are still an early adopter. It's totally wrong to say Bitcoin is more risky than the other cryptocurrencies
fees:Amazon will accept whatever currency will net them a gain.
eBay is different, they have a player in PayPal which Cryptocoins are basically against...they clearly won't accept them at the moment.
Is it a smart move to cop bitcoins from Mtgox and have them transferred to my coinbase account for profit? Is that even possible? The margins right now are too crazy ignore. I haven't copped a coin yet but this opportunity looks really tempting. Or is mtgox too fugazi to even fukk with?
Mining is expensive, not sure you'll be able to make some money doing it but @heisenburrr and @illadope know better than me. It's way harder now than what it was a year ago for example. You better of buying BTC and letting them work.Does anyone mine coins here? About to get into the mining business. Would love some advice on how to proceed.
Does anyone mine coins here? About to get into the mining business. Would love some advice on how to proceed.
There might be money in mining the other crypto-currencies.
That's what I'm talking about breh..
Tons of miners hash other smaller currencies for sale or trade. They're doing allright, I know a few.
i think @illadope can correct me but if you wanna get serious mining bitcoin nowadays you need close to 10K$ of budget to get a good ROI.
Altcoins mining is still a profitable business though.
But again, I have limited knowledge of the mining game
Best route to take, even a joke crypto such as DOGE coin is better to mine than to even bother with mining bitcoin right now.That's the plan breh. Thinking of copping about 8-10 mines. Will mine the alternate cryto-currencies. They literally have hundreds of them trading on the exchanges.