Thoughts following this week's matches:
- Tajiri isn't in bad shape for a 46 year old. Aside from some
ness in the gut area, he hasn't really aged either look wise or in-ring. Still with some of the GOAT kicks, especially nowadays with everyone's obvious thigh slapping super kicks.
- Damien Slater was a tad generic, but I liked him. His control segment was a little boring to me to be honest, I found myself playing with my phone during it. It was nothing offensively bad or anything and I can't knock his ring work aside from that.
- I liked Da Mack. The Urban German nickname, his Beat It jacket, the Off the Wall era theme were all pretty dope but his whole gimmick overall just fell...I guess flat with me. I feel like the MJ tribute could be a bit less on the nose (don't ask me how). It's possible to pay tribute to/take inspiration from
while making it more original and your own, which is what I'd like to see. Nakamura's mastered that. I know, it's kind've hypocritical to knock him for having a gimmick while saying Slater lacked personality in my last point. In ring I can't bytch about him though because he brought it. I'd like to see more of what he could do in the future.
-TJP was definitely the star of the match though, and has always been consistent every time I've seen him. It's weird seeing him dabbing and shyt though considering I only ever saw him under a mask or as a pop punk kid but times change.
- Mustafa Ali had a really cool look. Like a Pakistani Power Ranger almost. In ring he was pretty good and him and Lince clicked. I'd like to see him get a development deal out of this.
- Lince Dorado is maybe my favorite so far, everything he did was real good. Never really saw much of him prior to this. Their match was IMO the best of the first round so far.
- I have honestly never seen too much of Akira Tozawa's work prior to this. His name has floated around the sites I've visited for years but I never really checked much of him out. That being said, I enjoyed his performance in this. He definitely led this match at times but it wasn't a super obvious carry job or anything.
- Kenneth Johnson was a tad generic but I think he has potential. He definitely could work on his selling but I've seen worse. Give him some more seasoning in ring and personality and he's got potential.
- Bryan's definitely getting more comfortable calling the matches, you can hear it in his voice and the things he was saying, he's settling nicely into the role and I could see him doing that if the GM thing peters out (depending on if he doesn't mind Vince screaming in his ear every week). His moonwalk quip made me laugh and I liked his observations, like how Kenneth Johnson's size and frame gave him an advantage in striking with his elbows. Real refreshing to have commentary actually adding to the match, by proxy putting the entire thing over.
- Best round of matches yet, and I hope that's a continuing trend as this progresses, the quality increasing every week.