Official Call of Duty®: WWII Thread

Bathing Ape

May 1, 2012
I feel like zombies was best when it was simple. The last time I played was bo2 and by that time it was too much.


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
  • COD WWII campaign is European theater in 44-45.
  • Your character: Private Ronald "Red" Daniels, 19 year old Texan fresh out of boot camp with glory and a lady at home
  • Mechanics focus on your squad. No health regen or free ammo, squad mates provide health and ammo packs.
  • New feature "Heroic Actions" which are events for players during the campaign. Ex. Dragging soldiers through fire, saving a pinned ally
  • Confirmed to play as US Army, British Special operations executive and French resistance fighters. Confirmed to play as female French resistance
  • Swastikas in campaign only. Sledgehammer debated heavily on the inclusion in other modes but decided against it
  • some confirmed locations: Normandy, Operation Cobra, Train, Marigny, The Wolf's Den, Aachen (Germany), Hurtgen Forest, Hill 493

  • Zombies biggest challenge: matching pacing from the movies, they really like the idea of a slaughter house.
  • The characters you play as apart of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives section (MFAA) looking for stolen art.
  • Puzzles, gun purchases and gates remain the same
  • Story is set as: Nazi's knew the war was almost over so they created the Zombie project as a way to fight back. However the experiments saw that they could not be controlled
  • Zombies were created by man. The research shown that they can be brought back to life by exploiting the nervous system. However the zombies have to be assembled with bolts and metal
  • Won't be as simple as OG zombies. Different objectives will unlock new places to open
  • Based on real events!
  • Zombies in WWII has load outs and a function similar to the perks system. Four core classes to use: offense, control, support, and medic. Customization with casual players in mind.
  • Special abilities in zombies, short of like the power-ups system. Unlimited ammo for a short time is one of the abilities.
  • Zombies combines wave based gameplay and location based encounters
  • Tesla weapons were the main objective, they sound like the new wonder weapons of WWII
  • Super zombies/mini bosses return in WWII
  • Easter egg is the hardest thing ever in Zombies!

  • Headquarters will be MASSIVE. Set three days after D-Day.
  • Headquarters allows you to open loot chests in front of other players, similar to Destiny
  • Proximity chat confirmed. Wide variety of targets in the firing range with different difficulties
  • Rewards for daily and weekly quests in headquarters that gives you mini-missions on locations or send you out to multiplayer matches. More activities = more loot
  • Cosmetic only.... for now. Weapons were not mentioned at all but we know that will change
  • The theater room allows you to watch streams and WWII tournaments in game, and you can check mail and leaderboards in HQ
  • Dynamic events confirmed for WWII HQ. example: an aerial scramble that drives payers to anti-air guns to fend off the base from enemy aircraft
  • All cosmetics are era themed. Legendary and epic skins confirmed
  • New loot item called Sweetheart Grips. This was a thing in WWII, soldiers would take and replace their pistol grips with a piece of plexiglass and use pictures of their significant others in the glass
  • Eric Hirshberg says that they understand the pros and cons of annual COD cycles. They are looking into making the experience better for new and returning players, an update based model COULD be an idea for future COD releases. Link:
  • Divisions- class based, no perks, some classes have specific abilities. If you rank up the division enough, you can unlock a weapon in that division that you can use in all divisions like BF
  • Gun mods are still a thing, perks are GONE. Division Skill and Basic Training skill are "perks"
  • Hardpoint and Kill Confirmed confirmed to return


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
  • New map called Gibraltar will be playable in the WWII Beta. GameInformer says they will have gameplay of this map up soon.
  • Headquarter’s “Theater” — where you can watch live tournament streams: you actually walk inside of a big theater, and there’s a projector showing the stream on a screen. It’s not clear what happens if you actually sit down in the theater.
  • There’s a special VIP Prestige Area — once you hit the level to prestige, you can visit the area (which is guarded by a General) to prestige. There’s a whole celebration with fireworks.
  • SHG is putting a lot of focus on the social score. The higher your social score, the better loot you can earn. Social Score is dependent upon being helpful and more in HQ. Completing weekly and daily quests also increases it. Daily and Weekly Quests will feature activities to do in the HQ itself, or in MP.
  • The 1v1 Battle Pit allows you to duel friends in the HQ. Other people can actually watch the 1v1 battle. Players are allowed to ban 1 weapon before entering the 1v1 pit action. GameInformer says there was an option to also compete via boxing, but there were not able to see it in action.
  • Players can visit the HQ between matches.
  • HQ is in third person. Players can see the entire character; your weapon is holstered on your back.
  • SHG has ‘very high’ expectation for what HQ can deliver.
  • You have the ability to turn off the proximity based voice chat. It’s tuned to how close you are to another person.


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Call Of Duty: WWII Zombies Gameplay Impressions

During our cover-story trip to Sledgehammer's offices, we were able to get some hands-on time with Call of Duty: WWII's zombies mode. This co-op diversion has been a longtime series staple, giving players a break from competitive shooting in favor of working together to blast apart the undead. After checking out the mode's latest incarnation, PC editor Dan Tack and I sat down and reflected on our fun, but ultimately doomed, battle against those pesky zombies.

Jeff: Hey, Dan Tack. We played some Call of Duty: WWII zombies while we were out visiting Sledgehammer for your cover story. Before we dive into that too deeply, what’s been your experience with that mode? Is that something you look forward to with new entries? Do you spend much time killing the undead? Would you call yourself a grade-A zombie hound?

Dan: Zombie modes have become a staple for the series now, for better or worse. Despite zombies being an overplayed thing in media these days, they do a great job at differentiating them and finding some star power to kick them up a notch. I enjoyed the last few offerings, with the film-noir vibe and the campy ‘80s schtick. However, these modes have always really been for a hardcore audience, they are not easy in the slightest, and even with the franchise always inching toward accessibility for zombies, they require some serious co-op chops to take down and some digging around to find the secrets. That aspect of it has always been interesting to me, coming together as a community in the days after launch to discover the hidden mysteries as a group – on forums, in chat groups, etc.

Jeff: I find those elements interesting as well, though I’ll admit I spend most of my time admiring them from afar. I don’t like playing multiplayer games with randos, and it’s increasingly difficult to coordinate gameplay sessions with my friends as we’ve gotten older and spread across the country. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played – particularly the last super-goofy entry – but it’s definitely not a primary destination for me when I check out a new Call of Duty game. Fortunately for a lone wolf like me, the setup for our session was pretty much perfect: We had a full group of four, and you and I were accompanied by a pair of Sledgehammer employees who knew their way around the game’s Bavarian nightmare.

First things first, who did you play as? I picked Ving Rhames’ character, a guy named Jefferson Potts. Then I chose a support role, which gave me the ability to briefly cloak myself and avoid detection. It definitely came in handy when I needed to revive other teammates. Did you go for a more offense-oriented approach?


Dan: I opted for an offensive role as Marie, Katheryn Winnick’s character. Interestingly enough I believe players could pick any of the characters so you could have more than one of the same character on a team? I had an ability that really let me light up a room – unlimited ammunition (for a limited amount of time). As we got deeper into the mission, this was an absolute lifesaver when the hordes would be on us, it lasted a pretty significant time too. Being able to hold down the trigger and just mow down zombies was nice, but it didn’t detract from the difficulty – it’s definitely still there. Which is awesome, but at the same time the progression system seems a bit more lenient. You’re actually unlocking tangible perks and things, not just the ability to purchase a powerful gumball on your next run.

While we don’t know if this holds true for the entire mode, the dynamic fare we encountered was super cool, and should detract from players instantly running to guides and templates to handle the game – potentially no more “Okay first we go to this gate, do this thing, do that thing.” We had a few encounters that featured us having to move and groove killing zombies in a mobile location, meaning we’d have to be ready for that even if we have all the doors, gun spawns, and everything else memorized. Additionally, the map contains special spawns that are event/location triggered on top of the standard waves.

Jeff: Make no mistake, it’s still a wave-based mode, but you’re right when you say that it’s more dynamic. One of our early objectives was to power up some kind of freaky Tesla-like device, which meant following several power cords along the floor and flipping switches. That played out fairly predictably, requiring (or at least encouraging) us to provide backup for our switch buddies as they worked on repairs, lest they end up as zombie kibble. The interesting part came later, when the device was powered on. A weird apparatus on a ceiling-mounted track sprung to life, slowly making its way along the corridor. As it progressed, we needed to kill zombies within the energy field it generated to keep it powered on. It’s a relatively simple task, but it required everyone to wait for zombies to amble into the correct position before blasting them apart – a nice departure from the typical “Shoot on sight!” mode most of us operate on in FPS games.

Backing up a bit, what did you think of the setting? I know you went into the lore behind the zombies themselves a few days ago, but I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the actual location. Personally, I think I’ll need to spend more time in it to fully appreciate the smaller details. There aren’t neon colors or an ‘80s soundtrack to quickly establish what makes it different from other games. The corridors and rooms looked good – or as good as blood-spackled surfaces can look – but the stone walls and metal grates didn’t feel unique. You could have told me it was set in just about any era and I would have believed you. Am I crazy?


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
Dan: It’s pretty early to make any kind of analysis here I think, but I liked the little village a lot. Underground, things started to blur together – but I can’t tell if that’s because the environments didn’t have rich detail or because we literally never stopped for a breather. The assault was relentless, and I didn’t have time to appreciate any finer things down there, if there were any. I was too busy trying to stay alive.

Jeff: On that note, I think we did pretty well for our first time. I found the cloaking to be fairly versatile, even though I did miss not being able to slaughter crowds as effectively as the rest of the crew. To balance my comparatively puny damage output, it made it easy to swoop in and revive a fallen comrade, and also get away from trouble when things got too hairy. As we progressed deeper underground, we ran into some of the game’s tougher enemies, like armored behemoths who liked to charge into battle. Thanks to my ability to turn invisible, I could run away from those guys and watch them become someone else’s problem. Yeah, yeah. I’m kidding. I retreated and picked them off from a distance. You saw that, right?

Dan: I didn’t see that. In fact I spent barely any time registering what was going on with anyone else, unless they were down and I needed to get them up. When those big bads started showing up, things really got hairy. Especially at the end, wave 13. That guy just wrecked all of us, no questions asked.

Jeff: It was a real bummer when we all eventually fell, since we were apparently on the last step toward acquiring some kind of Tesla weapon. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. What did you think overall? Would you stick with the same character/role next time around, or would you move on to something else? I gravitate toward support classes, so I’ll probably continue down that path. The tricky part will continue to be coordinating a time to play with my friends. As deadly as the undead (or reanimated) can be, they don’t compare to the nightmare that is adulthood.


Dan: I really wanted a lot more time to check out the “perks,” unlockables, and customization options before deciding. That said, I don’t think I’ll ever be running support – but I’m glad that they are moving toward a slightly more “RPG” bent with this than previous versions where you’re just a shell grabbing guns and running around.

Jeff: What can I say? I’m a helpful person. You’re right, though. It’s hard to gauge the long-term prospects for the mode without getting a better sense of the progression path. If it’s satisfying enough, I might be tempted to bang my head against the wall a few times as a solo player and see how far I can get.

Dan: We only got to play one round, so I’m definitely looking forward to seeing more. I hope it may finally straddle the line between casual and hardcore by offering something for each audience. I’m sick to death of zombies on TV, in movies, and in games, but I am interested to see how this one plays out.


Lloyd Banks Stan
Jun 29, 2013
Southside, 2gz Up
We’re thrilled to finally share the Call of Duty: WWII Private Multiplayer Beta with you beginning August 25th on PS4. While this Beta is only a small part of the feature-rich Multiplayer experience coming in November, it is a critical test of our core gameplay, our game systems, as well as a stress test of our online infrastructure at scale.

We love the active dialog we have with the Call of Duty community, and value the exchange of ideas and constructive feedback we have with fans. Your feedback will help us finalize features, optimize gameplay balance, and refine the remaining development roadmap to launch. So please explore, rank up, and have fun. Share as much feedback as you can – everything helps. The development team will be playing non-stop, and we’ll be monitoring performance and collecting valuable data around the clock.

As you can imagine, we receive a lot of feedback internally from the development team playing the game, but it’s a different experience when fans around the world play together for the first time. Two of our biggest announcements at E3, Divisions and War Mode, will be live for the first time and we look forward to sharing them with you during the Private Multiplayer Beta.

First, Divisions replaces the Pick 10 Create-a-Class system, and delivers the fantasy of enlisting in one of five iconic fighting groups in the world’s most brutal conflict. This test of the Private Multiplayer Beta will feature an introduction to a portion of the player’s soldier progression and the underlying foundation of Divisions, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. The final design of this new feature will continue to be fine-tuned as development continues from now through launch.

Also, we’re excited to hear from you after you’ve played Operation Breakout, our first War Mode experience. War, developed in partnership with our friends at Raven Software, is a new way to play Call of Duty Multiplayer in an immersive Allied vs. Axis fight across the war-torn village of St. Lo, France.

Here’s an overview on what you should expect in the Private Multiplayer Beta:

  • Maps – At least three Multiplayer maps, including: Pointe Du Hoc, Ardennes, and Gibraltar.
  • War Mode – Operation Breakout
  • Modes – Fan-favorite modes, including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint.
  • Divisions – Enlist in the Infantry, Expeditionary, Airborne, Armored, or Mountain Division. You are not limited to any one Division, and we encourage you to try them all!
  • Progression – Players will begin at Soldier Rank 1 and rank up through a limited progression to unlock weapons, scorestreaks, equipment, and Basic Training Skills.

Here’s what you should not expect in the Private Multiplayer Beta:

  • Headquarters – We’re testing the match-making of this all-new social experience, but access to this space will not be active during the Multiplayer Beta.
  • Supply Drops, and Loot – These customization features that add depth and personality to your soldier will not be included in the Multiplayer Beta.
  • Esports – Ranked Play, Game Battles, and our suite of competitive features will be accessible when we release in November.
  • Additional content not in the Private Multiplayer Beta includes: full progression, remaining maps and modes, additional War Mode maps, and the full armory of weapons, scorestreaks, Basic Training, and equipment.
We’re also pleased to announce that we’ll be unpacking the Private Multiplayer Beta content and dropping more intel in our Call of Duty: WWII livestream from Cologne, Germany at GamesCom 2017 on August 22nd at 10AM PT time. Look for more information over the coming days, including tune in information from the SHG and COD social accounts!



rip chinx
Aug 14, 2013
They beat to death WWII games on PC/Console when I was a kid. I can only play the same game so many times.

There are hundreds of wars/conflicts they could choose from from post WWII and no we don't need anymore Vietnam War games either.


That said it still beats the space age bs they're trying to push now

name them... Ive been saying for years I want a Vietnam game. Last one i played was shell shock nam 67 and it was one of the best war games ive ever played.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Yeah, but I haven't played a CoD since Advanced and I hated it.

I want the old combat back from like WaW which I think was the most fun I had in a CoD ever.
W@W was dope, but was hated on by the masses before it released. At the time the majority just wanted current and future weapons.

What do we want now? I'd say an apocalyptic future with weapons that are futuristic but not military :francis: