Watching this movie, again. Boy, the writing is so dope.
Everything happens for a reason.
W'Kabi runs into Killmonger with a dead Klaw to show he deep his pain was.
--- Zuri interrupts the fight and gets killed after being called "Uncle James" to show how much he trusted him and must feel betrayed
--- The Dora asks if anything can be done as T'Challa is clearly losing, but, at the beginning of the fight T'Challa was so cocky... THIS IS YA'LL TRADITION
--- The Jarobi save his life because they are so traditional that there fisherman were in the right place to find his body
--- As sad as
Okoye was, her adherents to tradition was questioned at the lowest moment in the film by
Nakia, to show how big that push and pull was
The analysis of this movie shows the problem with identity politics in the real world. Everyone was just mad "their side" didn't win the idealogy war and felt they were slighted
- T'Challa was a c**n
- The Dora's were too heterosexual
- Killmonger was right
- Black revolution was demonized
It was clear T'Chaka was coming around on world outreach...
Sidebar, correct me if I'm wrong, but, they NEVER meantion the Sakava incident in the film, just King T'Chaka's death...
T'Challa is not a black American. He just didn't know. Through Kilmongers performance two things were accomphised;
- An extremely powerful account of the black American experience in America
- T'Challa--though African--was presented as an outsider that had his eyes open
I'm as cynical as they come, but, I'm okay with racism being over, basically, in the MCU. With gods, green monsters and an advanced African race, just how?
Don't answer that 
Even Yvette Carnell (who's team Kilmonger) gets it wrong because she sees this film through the lens of her idealogy. She forgets T'Challa used the power of gov't to address black issues. She gets on AADOS fantasy of armed conflict as they afterwards go back to their deskjob working for a white man

Kilmonger was so crazy, he forgot that he'd have a kid that may have to take over and protect the throne with the power of King of Wakanda/Black Panther.
I didn't trust him.
just a dope movie, breh