Gotta remember Jen is a teenager. They are experts in the "No one understands me and no one has ever gone through what I'm going through ever" game. Even Khalil was hitting her with the

when she started in on the woe is me crap about her abilities. Like girl I have powers too. It's not that serious.
The biggest irritance with Jennifer is t
he fact that she doesn't even try to understand any perspective outside her own most of the time. I get being a selfish kid, but she has almost no ability to see outside herself. She views her parents homeschooling her as some kind of punishment when it's really because she's dangerous. Khalil sends her a dm and she fries her computer. Her mom yells at her and she zaps her. When any kind of emotional situation makes her powers go haywire, they can't risk sending her to a fukking high school of all places, and she just refuses to understand that.
Her viewing her powers as a curse is fine.
The fact that she almost completely refuses to try coping with them or more importantly, learning to them is what's getting old. Lynn said it best when ol boy was making the whole family tell the truth, "I'm tired of your whining, little girl."