Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 14, 2015
i've noticed an interesting dichotomy between trumpists and biden voters.... no matter how many missteps or polling dips trump suffers, trumpists never worry that he will lose the election.... for instance, there are stories that the reason trump's approval rating is so high within the republican party is because many people have left the party and it is those who remain that have high support of trump.. yet they still think trump is super popular ... or look how underwater his favorability numbers are .. doesn't faze trumpists any.. or the fact that biden has been leading trump in the polls the entire election season (including the primaries)... yet trumpists don't sweat it at all...

meanwhile, over on the biden side... biden slides in some polls to only 6% ahead of trump and there is mass hysteria.... i understand it... i get it... i'm nervous too... i have ptsd too... and biden is not a shoo in to win this.... but i'm stunned that trumpists aren't the slightest bit concerned about trump's campaign at all... what would we be saying if there was a video of biden stumbling up some stairs....? or biden fumbling over simple words that were too hard for him to pronounce....? or the dnc ratings significantly lower than the rnc ratings...? or biden's speech being panned and trump's speech being praised...? seriously, what would be happening on our side if that was the case.... yet, trumpists are cool with all of it... the confidence, the arrogance, the evil in them....

The confidence comes from winning last time despite being the underdog. They believe there are so many of themselves they can’t be stopped. That they can oppress just enough people to stem the tide.

The arrogance comes from being white (Or pretending to be) and in charge for so long. That for so long they’ve been able to stack the deck despite not having the numbers. No care for the rules because the system is built for them. It’s why Trump is perfect for them. It’s like a mirror image of themselves.

The evil is they know this is their last shot outside of all out revolt. If Biden wins and has any amount of success, it means they won’t be heard any longer. They have to be able to show their true selves. They can’t fight it any longer.

But their fear is what brings about all those feelings. It’s why they can’t worry. The fear they have comes not being able to defend themselves against the inevitable. That may be guns, judges, or even the police. Even as their pockets empty and their quality of life decreases, they will continue grasp anything and everything. Who else is going to save them? We keep talking about how important 2020 is, 2022 is just as important. Because Nikki Haley, Tom Cotton, Ivanka..... doesn’t matter in 2024. Too many of the millennials they will be voting age. Too many of us. Too many Hispanics. Too many of the old guard dying off. And not enough people who think other people think like them.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
i've noticed an interesting dichotomy between trumpists and biden voters.... no matter how many missteps or polling dips trump suffers, trumpists never worry that he will lose the election.... for instance, there are stories that the reason trump's approval rating is so high within the republican party is because many people have left the party and it is those who remain that have high support of trump.. so even though trump's support remains high within the party, the party has shrank so that is a misleading metric... yet trumpists still think trump is super popular ... or look how underwater trump's favorability numbers are .. doesn't faze trumpists any.. or the fact that biden has been leading trump in the polls the entire election season (including the primaries)... yet trumpists don't sweat it at all... or how about unemployment numbers, covid deaths, etc... :snoop:

meanwhile, over on the biden side... biden slides in some polls to only 6% ahead of trump and there is mass hysteria.... i understand it... i get it... i'm nervous too... i have ptsd too... and biden is not a shoo in to win this.... but i'm stunned that trumpists aren't the slightest bit concerned about trump's campaign at all... what would we be saying if there was a video of biden stumbling up some stairs....? or biden fumbling over simple words that were too hard for him to pronounce....? or the dnc ratings significantly lower than the rnc ratings...? or biden's speech being panned and trump's speech being praised...? seriously, what would be happening on our side if that was the case.... yet, trumpists are cool with all of it... the confidence, the arrogance, the evil in them....
Bruh this made me think of something I read earlier.
Schmidt: Trump is 'Running as if he is not in charge of the country'


Nov 2, 2013
Do you believe the polling that Ohio is a toss-up? @smitty22 @Buckeye Fever

It's hard to say. I live in a metropolitan area and not country Ohio, so it's a good mix of opinions. My gut tells me Biden wins. I know a fair amount of people who voted Trump last time that refuse to do so this time and I think that there are enough of those people who move the needle to Biden.