because the term neoliberal is constantly misused and misunderstood in this country. i want people to actually know what it means.The context of the post was within the post you pulled these quotes from.the context of the conversation was about how the term "socialist" was being weaponized. Funny, your grammar ocd didnt get triggered at that part of the conversation, I wonder why?
The better question is why are you butting into conversations you dont understand?
this is probably the most important political shift in the world since the late 1970s. its the reason why in america wages have stagnated, why we had an economic crash in 2008 that we still haven't recovered from, why we have a massive and growing gap in income equality. its a topic that people need to know more about if we want to prevent the growing poverty and austerity in america. i have left-wing economic views and if people don't understand the effect of neoliberalism on american life we have no chance of recovering from this deregulated bandit economy.
the point of this board is to have informative discussions that we can learn shyt from. if you have no interest in learning what specific political terms that you are using actually refer to you can always head to TLR