Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
I'd hope they'd run on the policy initiatives that put Biden in the office. If the concern isn't his policies as much as people not believing he actually wants them, then the simple solution seems to fight for them.

He can out of the gate do student debt relief. Seems like a good start.
and the good thing with most of the things he does being temporary (executive action) is that it's a good argument for 2022. allow me to make it permanent.
May 14, 2015

This is just flatly incorrect.

Progressive policies are winning by double digit points the same places that Dems are getting smoked.

For instance, the $15hr minimum wage passed in Florida.

Miami-Dade has the highest enrollment in the ACA in the entire country and the Dems didn't even think to run on it.

The Dems fumbled this election. The country is voting in favor of policies that should be Dem wins, but they didn't stand behind any of them so they're losing.

That's why there's going to be uproar in the party after this election.

Leadership absolutely made the wrong decision.

With such huge voter turnout this SHOULD have been a blue wave, and people are voting that way down ballot, but Dem candidates didn't run on policy and are seeing the results of it.

Those that did are the ones winning and saying "I told you so".

This should have been easy but Dem leadership fumbled.

I want to agree, but I think the parts we aren’t talking about are all tied

Policy isn’t tied to a person. If you put Medicare 4 All on the ballot in a national election, it would win in a landslide. Legalizing marijuana - same. $15/minimum wage- same

But when Bernie, Kamala, or Warren says it..... that policy becomes something that Republicans can attack that person on and then the “yeah, fukk socialism” “All lives matter!” “Don’t raise my taxes” starts up from the crowd. Because they don’t like Democrats. They have been trained to react to this in this way. And then you have to use facts to defend it, and that’s just waiting for a bad faith argument from the Republican candidate.

It’s the old “This will help me” vs. “This will help the people I don’t like” fight that Republicans have been using for 60-70 years.

Dem Leadership has *almost* always been inept since the Clinton Years.
Messaging - Why are we still arguing if we are socialist are not? Why aren’t we framing Medicare/aid and SS as socialist programs the Republicans want to get rid of? Why aren’t we explaining the medical uses, job creation and tax benefits for marijuana?

Not competing - Stop allowing Republicans to run unopposed. If you have a good candidates elsewhere on the ballot, they can drag a weaker one to a fight against a long time incumbent.

Having bad candidates in hoping that the campaign is in good faith - McGrath, Hegar, and Gideon are the obvious examples.

My hopes on Hegar were placed on turnout, not flipping people who won’t vote for anyone with a D next to their name. My hope for Gideon is that Maine would punish Susan Collins. My hope for McGrath was that rural, white Kentuckians are just as stupid as we think they are. And that shouldn’t be the hope. Policy should carry the day, but they are going to attach Dems they have trained their base to like to it. The ACA is the biggest example and helped lead to the wipeout in 2010.

Policy will always win over candidates when it comes to the Democrats. And that’s based upon racism. Deep seeded, stereotypes or outward undertones, it doesn’t matter. Ask the Cubans. Ask the people of south. Ask the rural voters of America. Why do they continue to support a party that doesn’t develop policy or pass bills to actually help them? Why they don’t believe facts? Why are they controlled by fearmongers? Why do they continue to let Republicans to take away their rights and be more subversive in their lives? Why even after being exposed as inept, crooks, liars, and cheats, did they still go out to vote for them. It’s not policy. It’s not the candidates. It’s not conservative vs. liberals. Why are Republicans the default?

It’s been said too many times:
Policy - Will it help me?
Candidates- Who are they trying to help?

The Democrats, yes, shoot themselves in the foot constantly. I’m not arguing that. But I don’t blame them for continuing to try to appeal to the maximum amount of people with the their candidates. Maybe more progressive candidates will be for the next cycle, but the crux will be will a large amount of Americans get off the drug of white supremacy?

Ku$h Parker

I'm Nothin Correctable
May 1, 2012
Prime Minister of The Inland Empire
Its one of the best music videos ever. Your OGs know about it

I know its from the Early 90s judging by the Baby Fro Cube,Just never caught it in my Rap City/YO MTV Raps Days

I can see that its an early 90s joint
I think Biden can get GA but I don't trust them with 2 run-offs. Hopefully Republicans will feel so defeated that they'll stay home :francis:

Like I said, Obama has to stump and Biden has to be out there campaigning more than he did even during the GE for a chance

All they have to do is run on getting them Rona Checks out wit those two in there and the Senate should Flip or Tie:ehh:....Just glad Cletus Collins is out the Paint:ahh:


May 28, 2012



I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015

Oh look the party that talks about Freedumbs openly talking about being fascist and enacting a coup against the will of the people. :unimpressed:
If they do this we need to all start marching, blue states, red states and swing states. A national strike to shutdown the economy if they try this bullshyt.