while there may be some small truth to that. This election was about the pandemic and racism not campaigning about $15/hour minimum wage or student loan reform
This is just flatly incorrect.
Progressive policies are winning by double digit points the same places that Dems are getting smoked.
For instance, the $15hr minimum wage passed in Florida.
Miami-Dade has the highest enrollment in the ACA in the entire country and the Dems didn't even think to run on it.
The Dems fumbled this election. The country is voting in favor of policies that should be Dem wins, but they didn't stand behind any of them so they're losing.
That's why there's going to be uproar in the party after this election.
Leadership absolutely made the wrong decision.
With such huge voter turnout this SHOULD have been a blue wave, and people are voting that way down ballot, but Dem candidates didn't run on policy and are seeing the results of it.
Those that did are the ones winning and saying "I told you so".
This should have been easy but Dem leadership fumbled.