@dora_da_destroyer I'm sorry, but it just seems like I dragged you into the weeds on guns and it wasn't my intention. I don't expect everyone to be into guns and MMA and self-defense. I'm a fukking martial arts nerd that makes a living with it. Not everyone on every team knows everything, right? I don't understand taxes as well as I understand foreign policy, and I'd defer to the foreign policy experts on my side of the aisle.
Why does everyone on the left that hates guns want to be an expert on them? Can't some of the Dems just trust some of us other Dems that are martial arts and gun nerds that we know what we're talking about? We're getting in the weeds over the whether or not it should be legal or not for law abiding citizens to carry an extra 5 bullets or not in their LEGAL Glock 9mm.

Criminals will get high capacity mags no matter what. they're already criminals! They don't follow the law. Why punish us? Just trust that we know our shyt when it comes to this and let us help you win more elections.

we are losing elections because of people that are more intense in this field than I am but they are bleeding heart libs in every way.
I'm promising you guys that I'm in touch with the liberal gun owning crowd, and I know for a fact that a lot of these people are nervous about a Biden presidency for their gun rights. Some took one for the blue team but others no doubt voted 3rd party or Trump based on gun rights alone. I'm not THAT MUCH of a gun nut, but just let us run point on this. We can be allies. Tell your local and state politicians tat you support an assault weapons ban but leave factory magazine capacities alone. We'll all get way more Dem votes than anyone here expects from just that.