Primary. Election. Results. Don't. Mean. Jack. shyt. when it comes to general election results. How old are you kids that still say this shyt??? I'm really not tryna sound condescending like some old boomer but... I cannot fathom how any of-age legal adult who's had any previous experience with the electoral process in this country could still have issues understanding this. Biden won the primary because his opponents literally dropped out on Obama's order and fell in line to endorse him the night before Super Tuesday coupled with Clyburn's endorsement. Did any of that mean a damn thing tonight when it came to South Carolina's
general election?????? NO!!!!!!!!!! Blood red clear Republican victory, as South Carolina was in 2016, as it was in 2000
, as it ALWAYS IS on general election night.
How have you motherfukkers not learned a damn thing from 2016, 2000, every damn election....
primary elections for nominees are NOT the same as presidential elections. Winning them means your party's ruling establishment and donor class favored and chose you to represent them in a general election
. That's. IT.
It don't mean shyt as far as if the NATION wants you to represent them. Have you ever seen a side by side of primary turnout and voters vs.
general election turnout and voters???? They. Ain't. The. fukkin. Same. And until you younger voters, the party establishment and leadership, and the pollsters get that through y'alls heads... this is gonna keep on happening like clockwork....