Official Biden vs. Trump 2020 General Election Thread (Biden WINS 306 Electoral College Votes)

Who wins?

  • Joe Biden, Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)

    Votes: 440 81.6%
  • Donald Trump, President of the USA (2017-present)

    Votes: 99 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Apr 3, 2014
@neotheflyingone @jj23 they're talking about trumps statement again now on FOX

i think most of them are saying what trump said was incorrect, one of them arguing about semantics

talking about what lower courts have said on postmarking

Seems even he's too wild for them. You know you off the chain when even fox has to hit the :whoa:


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
I;m not saying America is not racist but this is an overly simplistic view of a very complex phenomenon. There's nothing super simple about Trump's rise to power or what happened tonight.

Every racist in America voted for Trump in 2016 and did so again tonight, but millions of Americans that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 voted for Trump in 2016 and likely tonight as well. Now of course, I'm not saying that none of those Obama voters were racists, but Trump is clearly getting some votes from people that aren't racist. A lot of this country is racist, but to just write off every single Trump voter as racist is a recipe for disaster, and for another, more powerful and more effective Trump to come along.

Any democrat would not have lost to Trump tonight. We could have absolutely put up a better candidate against him where it wouldn't have been this close. I have not spoken to a soul that was enthusiastic about a Biden presidency. Most of the people that voted for Biden today did so because they want Trump gone. Let's keep it real. Biden did not excite and energize the base.

Trump is the most beatable guy in years, and we lost to him 2016 and had a close call tonight. Is it racism? Yes. Is it only racism? Absolutely not.

Lots of non-racist factory working families in the rust belt voted for Trump in 2016 because he lied to them and said he'd bring their jobs back, and they were desperate so they voted for him. He didn't make good on his promise and it looks like they didn't want to get burned again tonight. To me that's the story if Biden ends up taking the rust belt. But they also don't love another career politician back in office, and they're ripe for another populist to sweep them up in 2024 if we don't take their concerns seriously. These people have told their story. It shouldn't be a surprise.


@Uno I don't think we can see risking running another moderate in 2024. The DNC will probably do it because they're fukking stupid and are great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The Democrats have the younger generation as well as shifting demographics on their side. So honestly they will probably just gamble on more moderates. They never seem to care that much when they lose anyways (no offense, home team) right?

I mean if the DNC truly wanted to win every election from now until the end of time they'd pursue just half of the following: Medicare For All or at least some kind of single payer system, legalize marijuana on a federal level, get rid of putting people in prison for non-violent crimes, do some type of green new deal or something for climate change, do something to give financial incentives for big corporations to hire Americans and/or fine them if they outsource too many jobs overseas, and possibly not try to ban 9mm pistol magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

If they did even half of those things in bold they'd be fukking golden from now until the end of time. However, many of them are beholden to their corporate masters, and have to serve them instead of us.

So I don't know what's gonna happen in 2024.

It's been the Democratic problem for years. When the Tea Party took over the right, Republicans leaned into it. They maintain/energize their base that way. Regardless of their destructive views, Republicans cater to them and give/say what they want.

Dems do the opposite. Everything you listed should be a no-brainer but the party is all over the place. There's no coherent message or plan. Progressives are the only section of the party that people can say what they stand for, whether they agree with them or not.

With Republicans, EVERYONE knows where they stand.


Dec 19, 2012
ok biden won maine

i dont think hes winning the second district though

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news.. And for real I am done after this post for the night. But he should have already won Maine. All of it in fact. At least the first district should have been called. This is giving me 2016 shades. I’m incredibly disappointed in our country
Apr 3, 2014
NBC projecting Ernst wins in Iowa. :snoop:

This election was supposed to be a referendum on the neo-fascist GOP, but Dems are getting washed on all levels.

I just don't get it. Maybe those people who said voters would punish Dems for "wanting to keep the country locked down to hurt Trump" during the early days of the pandemic were right.

Wanting to lock the country down and actually locking it down are 2 diff things

Even Michigan is open with all the hoorah they've been making over Big Gretch. The state has been open mostly for the past couple months

Yall don't believe me but I keep telling you it comes down to folks liking Trump, PERIOD.They like what he's about and I'm not talking policy wise.