Trump taking this L either way 

donald trump is the greatest gift to voter turnout in the history of this country
Same here. Less than 4 days left.God I just want this whole thing to be over with already.
Trump's victory was kind of a necessary evil. He has made a lot more Americans politically engaged and aware. Also, if Hillary was elected, 2018 would have been a bloodbath for Democrats.
I thought the word simps was only used on this site
Judicial system completely fukked for a generation, 400,000 people dead by the end of the year, and climate change initiatives set back years is what we got now. I'll take Hillary being a midterm loser for sure.This should be a spinoff thread of its own after the election if Trump winds up losing. Would you rather have 4 years of Clinton with a red wave or 4 years of Trump with a blue wave?