Exactly. NYAG coming for his assIm pretty sure he meant to say flee the country
I don't think the Republican Party is ever coming back. They are doubling down on all of the fringe conspiracies. That's a bad thing for all of us.
Never been anything like it in modern election history.Hilary did win the popular vote.
And many of those polls don’t take into consideration that Comey went back before Congress about those emails a fukking week before the electionwhat an a$$hole in hindsight. He did all that for Trump to fire his ass anyway.
I don't trust that people are answering these polls truthfullythere is no way this record smashing early voting is going for trump...trump approval rating never made it to 50%...i dont see how trump will get over with his shytty approval and no lock her up chant and no empty promises to trick gullible losers into believing...
he might have to. or else he gets a knock on the door from Uncle FeddyHeard real estate is real cheap in moscow
The idea that the polls, which were re-weighed after 2016 to account for non-college whites, will be wrong again to such a colossal level that Trump sneaks in another win is laughable to me. I could be wrong, but I'm sorry...everything shaked out perfect for him, down to the very final percentage point in 2016. The idea that it would happen again, or that he could somehow win by a bigger margin...nah.
He literally has to win damn near every battleground state to pull this off, mind you.
You’re right but even still. Biden is doing better with white voters and women than Hillary. He’s doing better with elderly voters. Too many metrics are going against Trump for one to overcome everything else.I agree with you but my Devil's advocate take is always going to be "racism takes no days off" and that's why I can't say this race is over.
QAnon on TwitterI need the Russian bots to step up their game on the Coli like it’s 2016. Where y’all at? Y’all slipping down the home stretch.
Court has to be an odd number...
They will add 2 seats max which will make it 11...
They can easily justify it as necessary given the shenanigans of Moscow Mitch and Trump unbalancing the court...
Conservatives will still hold a 6-5 majority so its not a power grab...