Some random thoughts if Biden is elected
Biden should absolutely pack SCOTUS even giving the Dems more seats. It isn't even close to a representation of the US or it's citizens views and the ACB farce absolutely hammers that home.
The Federal Courts should be expanded as well. For every seat that was Mitch blocked 3-1 Dem same issues as above.
Red states need to start carrying their own weight in this country and stop living off of blue state tax dollars. Trump and the Republican Party's constant attacks on blue states during the last 4 years have made that only more apparent. The constant kneecapping for political reason of actual revenue creators has to end.
Stop backstopping red states that are threatened by climate change if there isn't necessary infrastructure/economic activity. See above.
Oh and t's time for a base realignment. Bases in red sates that are threatened by climate change need to be relocated.
These Are the US Military Bases Most Threatened by Climate Change
I want another census after Covid has ended.
Create more states