Tyson Group polls are low quality
Sounds exactly like what's going on in TLR.Read this.
Active measures are still targeting. This is how they work.
Thread by @allisongill on Thread Reader App
THREAD: Sit down and let me tell you a story. A story about how the GOP and the Kremlin nearly duped me into throwing away my vote in 2016. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin.
Trump supporters not gonna do nothing but cry on tv and FB if Trump loses. They ain’t got tha balls to ACTUALLY use their guns.
I see this Breonna Taylor verdict is coming in soon. Let's hope for the best brehs, I have a feeling those dudes are getting off. Trump and Barr are probably licking their chops.![]()
When their constituents start blowing their phones and and their seats are up for grabs they will get on board but I’m not surprised by their position they are blue dogs
You two do not know the Democratic Party well.this
i dont care if they oppose it at all, if you put enough public pressure on them they will do it
same thing goes for biden
I'm sure they're thinking the unrest/riots that result will scare white people and help Trump.
Which might be truebut personally I'm past the point of caring. Maybe it's time for Rome to burn. But that said, brehs in KY need to stay safe.
Nope, the GOP base is just going to look for the next Trump in 2024.
Getting likes on twitter> winning elections to these people.What's crazy is for as much as they cry about vote shaming, they love to shame everyone who isn't M4A or bust as a corporate neoliberal shill who doesn't care if people live or die, even though they purposely and disingenuously conflate M4A with universal healthcare.
They're already shaming AOC for having the audacity to say we need to come together to oppose the right as they trample over the very constitution they claimed to uphold and plunge this country into fascism. What a milquetoast establishment neoliberal bytch.
The far left cares more about purity politics than actually winning or making any meaningful policy progressions, and that is why they will always be losers.
Them cousin fukkers too strong a base. They gonna drive their rascals to the polls to get their false god elected.If this orange clown lose Alabama and LA![]()